Daily Devotional

Speaking the Word of God

Scripture 2 Chron 18:13 And Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, whatever my God says, that I will speak.”

Observation: God puts things on our heart to say to others and to speak to us. When we don’t hear a direct word from God there is God’s word. When we speak we should speak to encourage other and to glorify God, not our self. Unfortunately most of the time I speak is to glorify myself. If we did what God calls us to do we would never say anything we need to take back, never have to say we are sorry for something we said, people would be attracted to us and God would be glorified by what comes out of our mouth.

Application: I need to wait before I speak I need to pray before words come out of my mouth. I need to stay in God’s word so I know what to say and that I will be a tool for God. I need to remove all of this pride from me and live for my Lord helping His children and my brothers and sisters. I’m here as a servant and nothing else so I need to serve my Lord by serving others in His name with a humble heart and kind words.

Prayer: My Lord I can’t to this myself. I’m a sinner and evil and the words that come out of my mouth are often used to build me up and not you. Change my heart and soften my spirit and may I always do what you desire of me and may I look at the needs of others above my own.

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