Daily Devotional

Obeying Your Parents

Scripture Esth 2:20 Now Esther had not revealed her family and her people, just as Mordecai had charged her, for Esther obeyed the command of Mordecai as when she was brought up by him.

Observation: I realize that Mordecai was not her natural father, but he raised her as his daughter. Esther obeyed his commands because of who he is, her acting father. The fifth commandment to obey our parents and if we do it will go well for us. In today’s society parents are looked at as fools and kids are always rebelling. All the sitcoms show how the parents aren’t to be listened to and the children do as they will. This is the opposite of God’s commands and that is probably why things are so awry in our society, parents aren’t taking their role to heart as God as called them to and the children are doing what please them.

Application: I’m not honoring my mother and father. I may have never disrespected them to their face, but behind their back I groan and didn’t want to be bothered with them most of the time. I call my mother once a week and don’t do it with a loving spirit and my father I make excuses why not to call him. Time is running out and I know that I wasn’t a good father to my children. My son and I have not spoken in over 10 years and my daughter and I talk on the phone occasionally. I could see why it is difficult to honor me has a father, because I wasn’t honorable, I wasn’t a good father. I wish I was a better representative to their heavenly father, but I wasn’t. I need to go to my father for guidance to see if there is something I should be doing to close this gap I created.

Prayer: Dear Father you are so worthy of being honored and I do what to do that each day. You are the perfect parent and deserve all of my love and affection and respect. I want to obey you in everything, remove this pride and help me honor you the way you deserve to be honored.

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