Daily Devotional

The Lord Gives

Scripture Job 1:21 And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Observation: We think we make our own wealth and control our destiny. How arrogant are we? God has given us this life right from the beginning, He alone is our creator and guides us through this life, if we allow Him. There is nothing that is truly ours and nothing we are going to be able to take with us when we die. Everything on this earth is on loan by God. If someone we know dies we shouldn’t blame God, but give Him thanks for allowing us to know that person whether a child, parent or friend. Whatever we loose on this earth was never really ours in the first place.

Application: I need to realize just that. I’m God’s and He can do whatever He thinks right. There is nothing that can be taken from me that I own, even my heath is a gift from God. I need to seek God when something does go away to see what He desires of me. Everything happens for a reason and I need to be aware of what God desires of me at all times. I need to trust my Lord more, I have too many doubts and my anxiety level is so high. God deserves all of my love, obedience, worship and time and I need to start giving back now before it’s too late.

Prayer: Thank you my Lord for all you have given me. Thank you for this chance to do better than I’ve done in the past. Strengthen me to do your will and to serve you and others in all that you have given me. I love you Lord and owe you everything.

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