Daily Devotional

I Know How He Feels

Scripture Job 3:11 “Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb?

Observation: Those were my thoughts most of my life. Why am I here and how can I get out. Being depressed most of my life wishing not to see another day that was me. When bad things came that was all I would focus on, never thought about the good things I had or the good things that happened just focused on whatever wasn’t going right in my life. That was Job, lost faith and trust in God and all of the blessings before meant nothing. If we could only stay focused on God and how He feels about us and how much He loves us we might look forward to what He has planned for us knowing that we are in His hands.

Application: I still suffer with things in my life, not focusing on God but my situation. My thoughts always go to the negative without thinking of the good and feel doomed a good part of my life. I need to be in prayer more often not losing touch with my Creator, but staying close to His side. I need to be an example of God’s faithfulness to others and speak about Him often as a reminder to those God surrounds me with and to me. I can never lose hope and I need to trust Him in every situation whether good or bad. I’m a child of God and need to act like one.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for your love and protection. Please forgive me for my lack of faith and I ask you to increase my faith. Help me draw near to you and feel your presence in all that I do. Help me trust and obey your word that I might bring you joy, the joy you bring me.

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