Daily Devotional

The Evil That Comes from Our Mouth

Scripture Job 15:13 That you turn your spirit against God, And let such words go out of your mouth?

Observation: Before you can say anything evil or hurtful to someone your spirit must be turned from God. If God is in your heart there is no room for foul language and hurtful talk. Before you say anything wicked you must not be thinking of God and what He desires of you, because if God fills your heart and you desire to please Him no wicked words or thoughts would come from you. Our action show others how we place God in our lives. If we are acting and saying what God commands us to we are truly following Him, if not our backs are turned toward Him and we are not listening.

Application: My thoughts and words are hurtful so much of the time. When I think it is typically negative thoughts, which means I’m not thinking of God. I need to have God in my heart and mind at all times so this doesn’t happen. I need to be in constant prayer with my Lord and catch myself whenever I wonder from Him. I need to act and say things that will guide others to my Lord and not away. I want people to know that I belong to my Lord and then want them to get to know Him.

Prayer: My Lord forgive me for being so hurtful towards your children. May I be with you always that my thoughts would be of you and that I place your commands in my mind so that I will not say anything hurtful towards others. Help me be better, You deserve the best from me.

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