Daily Devotional

Our Resurrected Bodies

Scripture Job 19:26 And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God,

Observation: This is one of the verses Randy Alcorn, author of Heaven, quoted to prove we will have resurrected bodies in heaven. It was so wonderful reading the heaven book, because it opened my eyes on what Heaven will be like according to the Bible. We get to start new with our Lord. I’m going to have a new body that won’t decay or get sick and I will live forever with my Lord. I look at this body now and how I have abused it. I’m overweight, have diabetes, by body is full of arthritis and the list goes on. I cling to the hope I will have a new body on a new Earth someday and I get to spend forever with the love of my life, Jesus.

Application: I need to be living each day, each moment focused on my new life, my eternal life. Instead of focusing on the problems that surround me I need to be thinking how God wants me to handle them now, because the way I act now and the things I accomplish for my Lord will be the things that will last forever. These are where my rewards will be generated, here on this old earth. I need to live each day with the aim of honoring God and filling my heart with joy that soon I will have a new home forever.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how you want me to be. Guide me each day on what You want me to do. Ease my spirit with the troubles I see each day and remind me of what is to come and the home you are building me now in my eternal home. I love you Lord and can’t wait to spend all eternity worshiping you.

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