Daily Devotional

The Security from God

Scripture Job 24:23 He gives them security, and they rely on it; Yet His eyes are on their ways.

Observation: God’s security does not mean that we will always be safe here on earth or that no harm will come upon us. God’s security is much more than that. If we believe and trust in Him and that His son was offered as a living sacrifice for our sins then we have a security that will last forever. We are not going to win every battle we face here, or go without harm or even live without suffering on earth, but we are secure for all eternity in God’s love and protection. No matter what might happen to us here God knows and if we search for Him with all of our heart, mind and soul, He will reveal to us what we are to do.

Application: I need to stop fearing and trust in my security from God. I don’t want to suffer any pain or go through any more trials, but that is not realistic or God’s will. He wants to strengthen me and form me into someone He can use for His glory. I need to learn from everyday situations whether good or bad and see what God is teaching me. I need to trust in my Lord and feel secure in His arms and that He will fight the battle.

Prayer: Dear Lord here I am again, another day and still filled with fear of what might happen. I spend more time trying to figure out what is happening with my job and if I lose it where will I go. I know you know all things and that I’m secure in you and I might go through some hardships that I need to go through or maybe things will work out with my job, but all I want is to draw closer to You, to fulfill the purpose you have created me for and live a life worthy of your servant. I love you and want to prove it each day, help me do that, please.

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