Daily Devotional

We’ll Never Fully Understand God

Scripture Job 26:14 Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?”

Observation: We are never going to fully understand God His ways our higher than ours and our finite minds have no chance of understanding our Lord fully. However, we don’t need to know everything about God, all we need to know is what God wants from us. His word describes how we are to live and that we are to obey His commands. He has made it clear the kind of life we need to live and has given us a to do list of things to get accomplished while we’re here. We know His power is above our understanding and we need to fear that, to keep our Lord in awe. God speaks to us each day however we might pick up only a thought or two, so we need to spend more time with Him and listen intently to what He is saying to us.

Application: I should be quiet and obedient. I’ve become so lazy lately that I don’t do anything or the little I do doesn’t amount to much. God has directed me to work on a book that I started but don’t even look at any more. He has given me a gift of a testimony that can help others and talents in cooking and organizing that I use periodically. I need to be sold out to my Lord. I’m anxious and worried about what might happen with my job without taking into account that God has the power to direct my life in any direction He desires. I need to get going and trusting my Lord and accomplish what He has in store for me.

Prayer: My Lord I’m so tired anymore. I can’t get motivated and I need to and want to honor you with what you place on my path. I’m here to serve put a fire under me and get me going, may I be an example of a servant that pleases you, my Lord. I love you and do want to be a blessing to you.

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