Daily Devotional

Fearing the Lord is Wise

Scripture Job 28:28 And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”

Observation: Wisdom comes from doing the right things. Fearing God and realizing who He is and how powerful He is, is the beginning of wisdom. We forget too often when we pray, who we are praying to. God is the creator of all things, including ourselves, and he has allowed us to speak to him. Do we really realize what an awesome privilege we have? If we were able to speak to someone, we hold in admiration like a movie star or world figure, how would we act? We probably be nervous and tongue tied, but felt that we are unbelievably fortunate to be able to speak to them. Now here is the creator of all things, we should feel that same privileged emotion to be able to be able to speak to Him and that He listens and cares for us. Once we realize that, is the beginning of wisdom and when we feel His presence that will keep us from evil.

Application: I need to realize how blessed I am to be a child of God and that I have the privilege of coming near to Him in prayer. That me knowing this is wisdom and if I ask, He will give me more than I can imagine. As long as God is on my mind and in my heart, that will keep me from evil, because God and evil cannot coexist in the same place. So, as I stay away from evil I’m drawing closer to God.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for allowing me to come before you. May I understand and gain wisdom from you in what you desire of your servant. I want to do what you want of me and I want to be a better servant to you. Please speak to me and guide me each day on what you want of me. Draw me close to you that I might know you.

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