Daily Devotional

My Lord, My Creator

Scripture Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Observation: We forget where we come from at times. We think things happen to us randomly or just bad luck. God the creator of all things has created us and loves us.. Why would the all-powerful mighty God care about us, because we are His. God created each one of us and everything for a reason. He knitted us together in our mother’s womb and knows everything about us, more than we know about ourselves and placed us here for a purpose. He has given us what we need to accomplish our purpose and watches over us as we go through this life. If we see ourselves as God’s we would feel better about ourselves knowing we were made by the master craftsman.

Application: I seem to forget all the time about my creator. I worry all the and when I give it to God I seem to always take it back upon myself. I need to know I’m God’s and He has control over my life, but has given me a choice to allow Him to rule or try to make it on my own, which I can’t. I need to let go each moment of every day and when I catch myself trying to take control to humbly bow down before my creator and have Him lead me.

Prayer: My Lord, my God and creator. May I always know that I’m not here by chance, but have been created by you for a purpose. Help me give up my control of this life and give to you. Guide and direct me each moment of every day and that this life would bear fruit that glorifies you. I love you my Maker draw me closer to You.

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