God Doesn’t Do Wickedness
Scripture Job 34:10 “Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.
Observation: How many times do we hear about people that blame God for their troubles, our natural disasters, the way of the world or you might hear others say if there was a God nothing bad would happen. God doesn’t do wickedness, He doesn’t pleasure in the pain we must go through, as His son did, but there is a reason and purpose for each trial we endure. This is not our home, our home is in Heaven and until we grasp that nothing on this earth will make sense. God want the best for us and He has arranged a way that we may have it, but not here. This is our chance to shine for our Lord to depend on Him and obey Him, a place to earn eternal rewards.
Application: I need to stop worrying and start listening to my Lord in what He desires of me. I just started reading purpose Driven Life again to help guide me to God and His desires for my life. I want to finish the book I started writing, I want to get the CIA going and get direction on what God wants of the depression Ministry. I will go through some trials, but I need to be ready and seek God’s guidance in everything. There’s much to do, but little time to do it and it will only get done if God does it. I need to let Him.
Prayer: My Lord and my Master. Give me strength and wisdom to do what you have purposed me to do. Place in my heart your desires and show me how to be obedient in everything that I do. Get me going with the ministries you have placed on my heart and grant me success in glory and honor to you. You deserve my best and all that I am show me how to do that.