Daily Devotional

I Will Forever Dwell in the Lord’s House

Scripture Psalms 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever.

Observation: My Lord’s goodness and mercy follows me each day, however I can choose whether to take note of it or not. We focus on the things of this world, typically negative, and not focus on the goodness of God. He is there always and how we receive Him each day will determine how we serve Him. We are only here for a very short time and if we choose Jesus as our Lord and savior, we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. We have a hard time wrapping our minds around forever, because we can’t imagine it, but I believe forever is living each day to its fullest without measuring time, just enjoying being with our Lord in a place that is too beautiful for words.

Application: I need to focus on God and all of His goodness and mercy. He desires that I enjoy my life, but He asks that I use it for His glory. The eternal rewards are beyond our imagination, but we should be living this way to honor God each day. It won’t be long before I’ll be home with my Master and I can’t wait to dwell in His home, but I have errands to run before going home, there are several things that my Lord wants me to pick up on the way. I don’t know their names and most likely won’t find out until I get there, but there is still work to be done here and I need to do them for God’s glory.

Prayer: My Lord, my God and my Master, for only you are good and I can’t live without your mercy. Help me stay focused on you and your desires for this life. May I pick up all that you required your servant to get and that I will present them to you when I get home. May all that I do glorify you each day. I love you and desire to please you.

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