Go Get Them God
Scripture Psalms 28:4 Give them according to their deeds, And according to the wickedness of their endeavors; Give them according to the work of their hands; Render to them what they deserve.
Observation: I just got let go of a job I had for five years and the company I was working at told my company that they would only renew the contract if they would change managers. I was shocked and couldn’t believe it because I thought I was doing this wonderful job and everyone loved me. This is my last week and I’ve been helping the man that is taking over. I go back and forth praising God that He will open another door for me and wanting Him to strike them with lightning or something. I want them to get what they deserve. I forget they are just looking out for the best interest of their school and for some reason I wasn’t a good fit. I’m taking it personal and it was a corporate decision and maybe God is using this to humble me and I need that.
Application: I have a couple of more days and I need to make them the most positive I can. They need to be able to see my Lord in my life as I leave with love and grace. I need to trust God, He has never let me down in the past and I know that He loves me and wants to do a work in my life. I need to be more focused on Him and not on what happened, I need to keep my eyes wide open to see what God desires of me.
Prayer: My Lord help me get through this and see you in the midst of this situation. Speak to your servant and guide me soften my heart and fill it with love for others. I’m here only as a servant and need to act like one. I love you my Master, guide and use me.