Give the Lord His Due
Scripture Psalms 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
Observation: We are always asking God for something, but how often do we give back? We need to give back only what He deserves, which is everything, but He asks for so little. Our worship is what we do with this life God has blessed us with and He deserves us to make it something very special. We are so busy making our life for us we leave the only reason we have a life and that is for God’s glory and not our own. Our Lord is perfect and His beauty has no boundaries and He deserves to be worshiped with all of our heart, mind and soul.
Application: All I’ve been thinking about lately is me. This was my last day at the Army and Navy Academy and all I think about is that they realize they made a mistake for letting me go and that does not honor God and is no act of worship. My thoughts for the most part are about me and what I want. I have to break free from this terrible mindset and be focused on my Lord and how I can better live this life for Him. It seems I can’t stay focused more than a minute without drifting back to my self-absorbed life and I need to be living for my Lord. This is not an option and I must do it right before it’s too late.
Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all my love, praise, worship and obedience. I don’t know how to live this way and need your help to do it right. I feel so lost at times please Lord lift up your servant and guide me to glorify you. May this life be worship that You desire and please you. I love you and what to love you more.