Daily Devotional

I’m Wonderfully Made

Scripture Psalms 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

Observation: It’s hard to say that I’m wonderfully made, but as I tell everyone, God doesn’t make mistakes. He created me the way that I am for a purpose, a purpose that will glorify Him. He has created everything that I see each day and those things that I don’t. I do know in my heart that all that I see is God’s creation and at one time everything was very good. May He still be able to say that about me.

Application: I need to look at myself through God’s eyes and see how marvelously I am made. Humble myself daily to my creator’s will and seek ways to fulfill my purpose in this life to honor God. I need to stop much more often and praise Him for the creator that He is and honor Him with this life.

Prayer: My Lord and my God. Thank you for making me, me. I’m uniquely created with specific skills, talents and testimony. Use everything that I am to please you. I love you Lord.

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