Daily Devotional

Lord Why Us?

Scripture Psalms 144:3 LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him?

Observation: That is the big question, why does the Almighty God care about us? Why would the creator of all things take heart about us sinners? God created us for Him, we are His children and His love. If our children were bad, we wouldn’t stop loving them even though we are sinners. So how much more a sinless and loving God will always love His children. We will never be able to understand God’s compassion for us, this side of Heaven, but when we get home it will become clearer.

Application: Live my life knowing that I am God’s and that He loves me. Share this love with others and tell people about this awesome God who wants to be close to them also. Whenever I am down go to my Heavenly Father and be still knowing that I’m loved by my creator.

Prayer: Dear Abba, I know that you love me, however I don’t know why. Soften my heart to receive your unconditional love and make me into the person you desire me to be. I love you and what to be closer to you.

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