Daily Devotional

Follow God’s Plan

Scripture Proverbs 20:24 A man’s steps are of the LORD; How then can a man understand his own way?

Observation: As hard as I struggle doing my own thing I need to submit to my Lord. He has the plan for my life a plan to prosper me, not to harm me and to give me hope. I have a purpose in this life that only God knows and if I would submit to His leadership, He will direct my steps. I have no other purpose than to do what God has called me to do and that is my purpose and my joy.

Application: I need to fully give in to God’s agenda and stop trying to make my own way. Stop looking at my own selfish desires and allow God to lead me. As soon as I feel that I’m going astray to stop and pray that God would take my hand and lead me to where He desires me to go.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am your creation, your servant and child. I need you to lead me in the way that you desire and not me. Please show me how to finish this race, glorifying you. I love you Lord, I’m your bond servant.

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