Daily Devotional

Making a Good Name

Scripture Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment, And the day of death than the day of one’s birth;

Observation: A good name is something you have to work at every day. The best way to have a good name is to follow God’s word and do what He commands you to do. Others will see your resolve to be the person God calls you to be, hopefully drawing them closer to God. It doesn’t take much to turn that good name to bad just a slip up or two, because people are watching to see how we handle different situations.

Application: Stay close to God and allow Him to guide me. Pray before I react to situations making sure what I do will glorify God. Stop complaining to others and with all of my petitions bring them before God in pray. Soon it will be time to go home to the Lord and all that I’m going through now will be forgotten and I will have an eternity of joy with my Lord.

Prayer: My Lord help me please be the example to others you call me to be. May they see your love through me as I trust in you to guide me. I so desire to be home with you, but give me courage to live the best life I can until you are ready to bring me home.

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