Daily Devotional

Fear God and Obey

Scripture Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.

Observation: What a perfect end to this book. After going through everything in life and the vanity of all that we can do on our own comes our purpose. The only goal we need to set for ourselves is to obey. We need to let God lead us wherever He desires and to be fearful when we disobey. I seem to be afraid of everything but not obeying my Lord.

Application: I need to trust my God completely and to listen to what he wants. Get into the word each day and understand what God is telling me to do. To give this fear I have to Him and be guided by His love.

Prayer: My Lord help me please fulfill the purpose you have given me. Show me how to be obedient to you in all that I do. I love you Lord and I want to finish well.

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