Month: March 2024

We Need Wisdom

Scripture Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.

Observation: How little I use wisdom. I go through every situation without weighing the consequences. I want to get things done quickly, but without thinking it through and I typically have to redo it. There is a difference between wisdom and knowledge. We can gain knowledge by studying or just by experiences, but using that knowledge properly takes wisdom.

Application: I need to search and use wisdom. I need to take situations to prayer and ask God to give me the wisdom I will need. I need to stop and meditate on what I’m about to do to make sure it is the right thing.

Prayer: My Lord your servant needs wisdom to do what is right in your eyes. Give me the patience I will need to do things right and pleasing to you. I love you Lord please guide me this day.

Rewards Only for the Living

Scripture Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.

Observation: I always say the most important time in a Christian’s life is the day they receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and the day they die. Only what we do in that period of time can earn rewards. No matter what you have done before receiving Christ as your Lord and savior don’t mean anything and after you die, your rewards have already been determined.

Application: I’m going through a difficult time with my health and my focus seems to always focused on that, but this is an opportunity to glorify God. Instead of complaining I should be telling others how I trust in the Lord and no matter what happens God loves me and will take care of me whether here on earth or when I get home.

Prayer: My Lord use your servant to glorify you. May I earn the rewards you have set aside for me. Guide and open my eyes to what you want of me give me courage and wisdom to accomplish what you sent me here for.

Time and Judgment

Scripture Ecclesiastes 8:6 Because for every matter there is a time and judgment, Though the misery of man increases greatly.

Observation: Things happen for a reason and at a particular time. We may not understand why, but that is not ours to judge. Currently I’m going through a difficult time as I wait to have hip replacement surgery. Each day the pain seems to get worse and I’m able to do less and less. My focus is why me, instead Lord what am I supposed to be learning or doing during this time.

Application: I’ve been giving time to do something other than my normal work. I need to be praying and asking God what I should be doing with this valuable time He has given me. I’m always complaining to others about my misery and instead I should be setting an example of God’s love and purpose in my life.

Prayer: My Lord give me strength and wisdom to get through this. Open my heart to what I should be doing and guide me. Increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart.

Making a Good Name

Scripture Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment, And the day of death than the day of one’s birth;

Observation: A good name is something you have to work at every day. The best way to have a good name is to follow God’s word and do what He commands you to do. Others will see your resolve to be the person God calls you to be, hopefully drawing them closer to God. It doesn’t take much to turn that good name to bad just a slip up or two, because people are watching to see how we handle different situations.

Application: Stay close to God and allow Him to guide me. Pray before I react to situations making sure what I do will glorify God. Stop complaining to others and with all of my petitions bring them before God in pray. Soon it will be time to go home to the Lord and all that I’m going through now will be forgotten and I will have an eternity of joy with my Lord.

Prayer: My Lord help me please be the example to others you call me to be. May they see your love through me as I trust in you to guide me. I so desire to be home with you, but give me courage to live the best life I can until you are ready to bring me home.

I’m Only Man

Scripture Ecclesiastes 6:10 Whatever one is, he has been named already, For it is known that he is man; And he cannot contend with Him who is mightier than he.

Observation: Pride is what normally got me in trouble. I thought I was better than I really was. At times I thought I was the boss and in charge and it wasn’t until I gave my life to Christ that my eyes were opened. When I realized I was God’s creation, His child and servant and humbled myself before His authority I saw myself as I truly was. I’m God’s and created for a purpose, to glorify my Lord.

Application: Each day I need to humble myself before my Lord and ask what He desires of me for that day. Pray and ask for guidance and then follow His lead, not mine. Make sure I’m doing the things that will honor Him. I have but one purpose and that purpose is to glorify God.

Prayer: My Lord your servant calls out and asks what you desire of him today. Please guide me in what will please you, for I love you, Lord.

My Vow to the Lord

Scripture Ecclesiastes 5:4 When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it; For He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed–

Observation: I’ve made vows to my God and at first, I keep them but it doesn’t seem to take much time and I forget about them. When I make a vow to God it is for always and does not have a timeframe. God should always be on my mind and heart so forgetting a vow is the same as forgetting Him. He never forgets about me, even at times I think He might, but He is always there, caring for me.

Application: As I pray each day and remember the vows I made to my Lord. I renew them each day so I don’t forget. He deserves everything that I have including my undying loyalty and love. My vow should be to please Him each day by living this life the way that glorifies Him.

Prayer: My Lord put on my heart the things of you. May I not regress in any vow that I make and that I seek you before I make any promises to anyone. Help me stay the course and hear the words well done good and faithful servant when it’s time to come home.

Better to Never Exist?

Scripture Ecclesiastes 4:3 Yet, better than both is he who has never existed, Who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

Observation: Most of my life that was my wish, that I was never born. All I ever saw around me was depressing and several times I could not take it any longer and attempted to end the life that God had created. Nothing seemed to make sense and the thought of going through another day was devastating at times.

Application: When I gave my life to Jesus He opened my eyes, that there is a purpose for everyone that He creates. He guided me through my life and opened doors to show me what he desired of me. I still look around in despair seeing all of the evil that is being done, but he put on my heart I have a purpose to help overcome some of this evil by showing God’s love to others.

Prayer: My Lord I am yours. Command me and show me what you desire of me. I pray that I finish this race well and glorify you.