Daily Devotional

Exalt His Name

Scripture Isaiah 12:4 And in that day you will say: “Praise the LORD, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, Make mention that His name is exalted.

Observation: I pray and read God’s word every day, but do I praise Him before others? No, I praise my Lord at church with everyone else, where it’s safe and without conflict. I’ll where Christian T-shirts and walk around in public, but I don’t mention His name at work or in front of those that don’t know His awesome deeds.

Application: I need to find opportunities to share with others all that God has done for me. He has given me a testimony and reason to be thankful for all His many blessings and I’ve been silent too long. Get back involved in missionary trips and find other ways to reach others, so they may know the love of God.

Prayer: My Lord I just want to thank you and tell you that I love you and want to be a bigger part in reaching those in your name. Help me not to be silent any longer but to be a voice for you.

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