Daily Devotional

May We Tremble at Your Presence

Scripture Isaiah 64:2 As fire burns brushwood,
As fire causes water to boil—
To make Your name known to Your adversaries,
That the nations may tremble at Your presence!

Observation: The trouble today is that we don’t fear God and we do whatever it is we feel like doing. This generation is getting even worse as we continue to move away from God and closer to evil. I wish God would do something so great that there would be no other explanation, but that His power did it and open the eyes of those who don’t believe. We have become worse than in the days of Noah. Jesus warned us of these days.

Application: My only control I have is what I’m going to do and stand for. I choose to fear God and obey and to do the best I can to tell that message to others. My sphere of influence is small, but I need to do what is right in honoring God, no matter what the cost. To live in Christ and to die is gain.

Prayer My Lord I can’t imagine any other time in history being any worse than what I see now. We need You so desperately we can’t survive this without You. I pray we are all close to coming home and that any day we may hear that trumpet, but may your children stay busy spreading the gospel until You come.

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