Look Out America
Scripture Jeremiah 5:9 Shall I not punish them for these things?” says the LORD.
“And shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?
Observation: I can’t believe God is this patient with us. We have taken Him out of our nation and set up idols. His children are being mocked and persecuted for being Christians, but the time is coming. This nation will not continue to go the way it is going God is setting the time where our nation will pay for the sinfulness that has become the norm here.
Application: I need to pray to God to see what He desires of me. To show me how to warn the people that He surrounds me with, to tell them of the upcoming judgement. It’s easy for me to sit back and wait, but I know God has called me to do much more. His children need to stand in the gap and tell this sinful nation what is about to happen.
Prayer My Lord guide Your children and fill us with the Holy Spirit and use us. May we not be content to sit on the sidelines, but get us in the game. You are just and we deserve Your wrath, but have mercy.