Our Evil Plans
Scripture Ezekiel 38:10 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan:
Observation: There is so many evil plans in our nation today that it is hard to know who the good people might be. This country is torn apart and its citizens are left in despair. Christians are being persecuted and our rights seem to be slipping away. Democrats and Republicans are in a battle to win the white house and the people seem to become collateral damage in this fight.
Application: I’m not sure who will win, but there is so much evil it’s hard to see the good. I have one responsibility and that is to be the best I can be for God. I need to keep my focus on Him and not be distracted by the things around me that are not of God.
Prayer Dear Lord save this nation from the evil around us. Heal this land and that your people will repent and seek you with all their heart and minds.