Daily Devotional

Obtaining God’s Praise

Scripture: John 5: [44] How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?

Observation: Most of the time I seek to get praise from others. I want to hear good things about me. I try to impress others with my abilities, waiting to be recognized. God calls me to do good in private and he’ll see it and that’s all that matters.

Application: I need to try to earn the praise of God by doing His will in the way He wants it done. He calls me to be humble, loving, honest, caring and a man of integrity. May I live a life that God can look down on me and say, “that’s my boy.”

Prayer: My Lord take this pride from my spirit and open my eyes to the man you want me to be.

My Food His Will

Scripture: John 4: 34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

Observation: That is what I should be doing for nourishment, doing the will of the Father. The most important thing and the reason of my existence is to fulfill what God has created me to do.

Application: Start feeding myself more of God’s word and focusing on what God desires me to do, instead of what I want to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am yours, open my eyes and direct this servant in fulfilling your desires in my life.

I Must Become Less

Scripture: John 3: [30] He must become greater; I must become less.

Observation: I was in church this morning thinking how wonderful it would be to be noticed for the things I’ve done. I imagine the Pastor calling me up and having me tell others of the different ways I serve to motivate them to serve. How egotistical is that? I’m suppose to be praising and lifting up the name of God and I’m daydreaming about exalting myself. That is the way I live my life wanting recognition instead of recognizing my Lord and Savior to others.

Application: I need to become less and God needs to become greater in my life and it needs to be obvious to those around me. If anything good should come from me God needs to get the credit.

Prayer: Dear Lord may I lift up your Holy Name and glorify you. Humble this servant of yours and may I serve you with all my heart.

Zeal For His House

Scripture: John 2: 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”

Observation: Do I have zeal for God’s house? We attend church and serve but I’m just as ready to criticize more then to honor my church home. Currently I’m thinking of looking for a new church because of the things that are going on. My concern should be how am I doing at my church as far as making it better.

Application: I need to make a commitment to do something at my church to make it better. I need to serve in a ministry or start a new one. I need to be lifting up my church instead of tearing it down.

Prayer: My Lord use the gifts and abilities you have given me to bless your church. I’m here to serve not whine.

Children of God

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 1: – [13] children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Observation: When I was born again it was a totally new life. The sins I did before I couldn’t do, the change in my heart, the softening, love for others. It was almost instantaneous. God directed as a new child yet He continues to allow me to make choices. I wish He would just take over completely.

Application: I need to live my life as the child of the all powerful creator. I have a new legacy to live up to and I should be introducing others to my Dad.

Prayer: Dear Father make me a chip off the old block. May others see the family resemblance and want to be part of the family.

Continually Praising God

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Luke 24: [53] And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

Observation: They were continually praising God. I have that same opportunity to continually praise God. God called my body His temple. With my actions, thoughts and words I can choose to praise God. How I treat others and spend my resources and time is another way to praise Him. All day long I have opportunities to stop and pray and thank Him.

Application: Be more aware each day how to spend my time in praising God. Each action should honor Him and look for ways today to please and praise my Creator.

Prayer: Dear Lord may I praise your holy name by the things I do this day. May you be in the center of my thoughts and actions.

Forgive Them

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Luke 23: [34] Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Observation: God forgave me even though I didn’t know what I was doing, which is most of the time. Most of my life I didn’t know and consistently sinned against God. Yet even though I gave up on myself He never gave up on me. I belong to God now, yet I still stumble into sin and I know He forgives me.

Application: It’s time I forgive others and receive them the way God has received me, with open arms. To live my life with my eyes wide open and realizing what I’m doing and doing it to glorify God.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the heart of Jesus. A kind and compassionate heart may I sin no more and honor you.