Daily Devotional

Honor What is the Lord’s

Scripture 1 Sam 22:17 Then the king said to the guards who stood about him, “Turn and kill the priests of the LORD, because their hand also is with David, and because they knew when he fled and did not tell it to me.” But the servants of the king would not lift their hands to strike the priests of the LORD.

Observation: You would think after Saul said the Lord’s priests that he would stop and think. If it’s the Lord’s wouldn’t you honor it or at least respect it. Saul does the opposite he kills what belongs to the Lord. In our anger or just lack of respect how many times do we destroy what is the Lord’s. We are all children of God so when we treat others poorly isn’t that being disrespectful to God? Everything belongs to God this is His creation including ourselves. Not taking care of ourselves can be considered an act of disrespect towards God, we are His temple.

Application: I need to see things more clearly from God’s perspective. People are not just people, but children of God, this earth is God’s creation along with the animals. Before arguing with anyone or treating them harshly I need to realize that they are God’s. I have no right to be angry, unless it’s righteous anger, which doesn’t happen very often. I have no rights of my own, only privileges given to me by God. I need to treat others as God’s children and treat them with the love and respect that God deserves from me.

Prayer: My Lord please give me peace and patience. Help me see others through your eyes and that you would fill my heart with love towards them. May I realize by disrespecting them I’m disrespecting you. Soften my heart and give me the wisdom that I will need to honor you.

Who is the King of the Land?

Scripture 1 Sam 21:11 And the servants of Achish said to him, “Is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of him to one another in dances, saying: ‘Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands’?”

Observation: This was the saying that put Saul against David and made Saul jealous and now he wants to put David to death. I wonder what might have happened if David gave God the glory right away, that he had nothing to do with the victories that it was God fighting for Israel? What if David proclaimed the Lord was the king of the land. What if he stood in front of the people and Saul when the people began to sing and he insisted to change the words to the Lord has slain his ten thousands? What if David gave God all the glory, what an example he might have set for Saul and the people.

Application: My ego is so big and I always end up it seems wanting the credit for things that I could have only done through my Lord. I might be much better than I use to be, but I’m still so far away from where I should be. There is nothing that I have that God hasn’t given me and when an opportunity comes up as people are pointing to me I should be pointing to God. People don’t need to see or know me, but they do need to know God. I can’t give them anything of any importance, but God can give them salvation. My life should be a reflector, reflecting the light God has given me. God is the king of the land and I owe Him everything, may people be able to see that in my life.

Prayer: My Lord and my King. May I be a representative of you and my good deeds always point to you. I’m merely a servant doing the will of my Master, may others see that in my life, that I serve you. Humble me so whenever I accomplish something good, that it was you using me to do your will.

God Is Our Witness

Scripture 1 Sam 20:12 Then Jonathan said to David: “The LORD God of Israel is witness! When I have sounded out my father sometime tomorrow, or the third day, and indeed there is good toward David, and I do not send to you and tell you,

Observation: We sometimes forget that God sees and knows all, if we did we wouldn’t do some of the things that we do. God is our witness, when we tell someone we will do something God is there, when we say we will be faithful to our wife, but aren’t God is there, when we steal or slack off on our job, God sees, when our eyes look upon things we know we shouldn’t God knows. There is nothing we do that God isn’t there. At the same time when we help someone in need, give of our time to God’s work, share with others about the love of our God, and do the will of our Father He sees and stores up rewards for us in Heaven. There isn’t anything He doesn’t know about.

Application: Live my life as God is right next to me, which He is. Don’t do anything that would make God shake His head in disappointment but use the time God has blessed me with in ways that I can turn to my side and look into His face and see Him smile at me. Live this life in a way that I see many more smiles then looks of disappointment in my Father’s eyes. I might feel alone at times, but I never am, He is my witness in all that I do.

Prayer: Dear father thank you for always being there. You know how my mind wanders and my heart gets cold at times. May I never forget, not even for a moment that you are there and know everything that I’m going through. I need you always to guide me may I do something each day that brings a smile to your face and that you may say you are pleased.

The Lord Brings It

Scripture 1 Sam 19:5 For he took his life in his hands and killed the Philistine, and the LORD brought about a great deliverance for all Israel. You saw it and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood, to kill David without a cause?”

Observation: No matter what we think we did the Lord has done it through us and He deserves the glory. What a joy it is to be used by God, the best moments of my life are those times. God allowed me to speak in front of people sharing my testimony and helping others, I’ve been part of dinners for those in need, prayed with some that needed to hear from God and was able to give counsel to those who suffered from depression. Each time I know it wasn’t me accomplishing those things, but the Holy Spirit working through me. Like David we only need to take our life in our hands and give it to God to work whatever He desires.

Application: Like David I need to step out more and not fearfully, but expectedly that God will use me. I don’t have to have all the answers but to be sure I’m where God wants me to be, doing what He has called me to do. I tell people we don’t have a Pizza Hut God you have to go out and get your blessings, He’s not going to deliver them while you’re sitting on your couch. I need to take my own advice and get off my butt and make a better effort of making myself available to my Master.

Prayer: Dear Lord here I am, please use me to do something extraordinary, because when others see it they will know that it is you and not me. Make this life mean something to others that they will see your works by your servant. Use me Lord I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be holy and pleasing to you..

Behaving Wisely

Scripture 1 Sam 18:14 And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the LORD was with him.

Observation: Behaving wisely or doing the right thing for the right reason. When you are behaving wisely, you are not sinning and if you are not sinning you are close to God. Doing what God calls you to do is doing what is wise. When you are avoiding sin you can hear God’s voice more clearly and do what He is commanding you to do. Following God’s word is wise and fruitful. David did this in all his ways, no matter what He was doing he was doing it in a way that honored God and that is why God was with him, David was a man after God’s own heart and God gave him success.

Application: I would love to say at the end of each day that I behaved wisely, but I can’t. I try, but most of the time my sinful ways get the better of me and I act conceited, rude or say something that isn’t honoring. How can I expect God to be with me if I’m acting contrary to the way He calls me to? I know God’s word and I know how he desires me to behave, but too many times self outweighs wisdom in my life. Every time I act I need to consider what God wants me to do and then do it for God’s glory.

Prayer: Dear Lord you know my heart and you know I want to honor and obey you in everything, but a day doesn’t go by that I mess up. I need your guidance in my life, I need wisdom. Please Lord give me these things that I will lead a life that you would desire to be with me.

Look Back to When God Delivered

Scripture 1 Sam 17:37 Moreover David said, “The LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you!”

Observation: When I look back at my life I see God busy pulling me out of the pit that I dug. Six times I tried to end my life, but this life doesn’t belong to me it’s the Lord. He has delivered me from depression, sickness, stupidity, greed and pride so many times that I can’t possibly count. If each of us looks back on our life and sees how many times God has pulled us up and out of trouble we can rest assure that He will continue to do so. All we need is the faith and obedience to allow God to work in our life and He will. So no matter what you are going through God knows and will deliver you. It most likely won’t be in the way you think it should be, but it will be the right way, God’s way.

Application: Currently I’m going through struggles as I most likely will for the rest of my life, but I don’t fear the way I use to. My faith is not perfect and never will be, but it’s stronger than it’s ever been. I know God loves me and protects me and the worst thing that can happen even death God will be there. I need to use each opportunity to give God the glory, like David so others may see the way He delivers. I’m on a journey to Heaven and my Lord wants me to bring as many as I can.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for watching over me and delivering me from all that I have gone through. Be with me as I continue this journey and show me how to make it a journey that will please you. I love you and appreciate all that you do for me each day.

To Look At the Heart of Others

Scripture 1 Sam 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Observation: All day long I judge people by their appearance. Before knowing anyone I have a judgment of what that person is like. If it’s an attractive woman they must be full of themselves, there are people that don’t look very intelligent, so they must not be, other people are uppity by the way they talk or hold themselves, some people are kind, because they treat me well. I have each person I meet pegged without knowing anything else about them, what an amazing gift, or is it. I have no idea what a person might be going through, what their heart is and any pain that they might be suffering with and by my judgments that is how I treat them. I’m sure glad I’m not God, because if I saw me through my eyes I wouldn’t be writing this now.

Application: I need to look at each person as God’s child. I have no right to judge anyone and God calls me to love everyone. I may not be able to see another’s heart, but then again I don’t have to, God is the judge not me. I need to be doing what God commands me to do, to love one another, to help others, to put their interests above my own and to lead them to Him. Nowhere in my job description does it say to judge anyone, probably because I’m not capable of doing that.

Prayer: My Lord I need your help. You know me and my heart and the evil I think each day. Give me a heart like Jesus, where I will love all those you place in my path, that I will not judge, but only love as you call me to do. I’m not able to do this on my own please fill me with the Holy Spirit and do this through me.