Category: Daily Devotional

What I Do To Others I Do to Jesus

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8: [12] When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

Observation: Why can’t I look at others as Jesus does. I either judge them right away, treat them poorly or with little regard and I don’t love them as my Lord commands me to. I don’t why I think I’m better than anyone and that I deserve anything. I’m here to serve God and the way I do that is my serving His children, yet I keep expecting something in return, when I deserve nothing.

Application: I need to treat others the way I would treat Jesus. If I’m loving to others I’m being loving to Jesus. On the other hand if I treat people with little regard or with any contempt that is the way I’m treating Jesus and He only deserves my very best and so do others. I will never meet anyone that God hasn’t created.

Prayer: My Lord help me see others through your eyes. May I see your presence in each person I see and when they meet me they should walk away knowing they are loved and cared for. I’m here to glorify you and I can only do that my treating your children as you would treat them.

Stay Where God Calls

Date 6/17/12 Stay Where God Calls Page 1153

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7 [24] Brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation God called him to.

Observation: I make so many plans and want to do so many different things. When am I going to learn it isn’t what I want, but what God wants of me. I repeat Jeremiah 29:11 each day about God’s plans for my life, but it doesn’t take long before I’m making plans of my own. I want a better job, better finances and more junk, yet God provides me with everything I need.

Application: I need to trust God, something I don’t do well. He looks after me and places me where He wants me. I need to open my eyes to what He desires. I know his will and I need to be doing it at all times. I can’t let the enemy into my thoughts I must trust in God to work out His plan for me. I should always be content to where God keeps me and finish the work He has set out for me to do.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for your provisions you give me each day. I’m here only to serve and obey you and what a blessing it is to do so. Put me where you desire and may I please you with what I do in your Name. I love you and I appreciate all you do for me.

Bought and Paid For

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6: [20] you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Observation: All my life it’s been all about me. When Jesus came in my life it was better, but I am still selfish and look out for my interests most of the time. I forget this life doesn’t really belong to me but to God. Jesus paid the price and now I’m a child of God and I have a new Father and master. I did a terrible job of running this life before my Lord and almost destroyed it completely on more than one occasion. I’ve done better under God’s hand, but still haven’t given up complete control of what doesn’t belong to me anyway.

Application: I need to trust my Lord with all of my heart and mind. This life is only on loan and I need to return it in good condition. My body was created to honor Him, it is His temple. My time is a gift that should be used to serve others in Jesus name. When people look at me they should see the reflection of the owner of this life and praise Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for redeeming your servant and I ask you to take full control of this life you have given me. Use it to serve others and to glorify your name. I know I can’t be in any better hands then yours. I love you Father take control.

Know Your Brother

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5: [11] But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

Observation: It is easier just to be nice to someone even though he is going against the values of scriptures, but still calls himself a Christian. No one likes to confront someone, because we would have to do something about it. Yet if we let a person who claims to be a Christian go on like everything is okay, why would he repent, but if we confront him and point out his wicked ways and not accept him he may look within and repent and turn from his wicked way and be saved and a much better person, because we stood firm in the Lord.

Application: I’m not here to judge, but I am here to spread the gospel of Jesus and sometimes we need to spread it to other Christians. It is so easy to get entangled in sin and we may be so deep we don’t even see it and it is the duty of any Christian to point out in a loving way what may be wrong and if they don’t turn that person should be put out until he turns or until Satan takes him. If I love the way Jesus commands me to I will get out of my comfort zone to help a brother.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am no judge, but use me to bring others back to your grace. We are surrounded by this evil world and it’s so easy to get lost. Strengthen me that I don’t fall into it and help me help others see your grace.

It’s Time to Be Faithful

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4: [2] Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.

Observation: Yesterday I had by study on depression. I looked around at all the people who showed up and was blessed that God trusted me with his children. God has allowed me to teach this class, He has given me the gifts, talents and testimony to help reach His children. What an awesome responsibility to be able to be used by God to help others draw near to Him.

Application: Now that I have been given this trust I must be faithful and study and be prepared for each class. I need to get rid of any judgmental ways I may have and be focused on looking at each person as a child of God. I need to take this responsibility to heart and put forth the best effort I can to glorify God. What I’m doing for God is more important than anything I can do for myself.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for the trust you have given me. My Lord I ask for wisdom and discipline to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Touch the heart of your children and take the pain from them and have them focus on your love.

I’m God’s Temple

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3: [17] If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

Observation: I tried to find scripture that was against suicide and this is the only one I was able to find with the exception do not commit murder. When I was to that point of suicide I felt like nothing and it didn’t matter if I was here or not, but if I’m God’s temple that is something special and I have no right to destroy anything of God’s. A temple is a place of worship and that is what this body should be a place of worship and that it should glorify God. Unlike however a typical temple where you need to go to it this temple should deliver.

Application: God calls me His temple, His creation and I should be so proud of that fact, that I should be telling everyone. As God’s temple I need to take better care of it so it will fulfill the purpose God has created it for. I’m sacred and set apart to do things that honor God. I need to be a place where people can come and talk about God and to join with them to worship.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for creating this temple. May it always glorify your name. Use this temple today to help those that are hurting and speak to them and comfort them with the words you put on your servant’s heart. May this temple always glorify you.

Using the Spirit of God

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:[12] We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.

Observation: To understand what God has given us we need to be willing to seek the spirit of God. All of us have access to the spirit, but we must want it and seek it each day. We may not have the spirit of the world but that is where we live and we are surrounded by it each moment of every day. To feel the spirit from God we must remove ourselves mentally from the world and seek God in the quiet of our heart and mind and truly desire to hear from Him. We know what is right and wrong and deep down we seek to do the will of the Father, but we must make the attempt to know and understand God’s desires.

Application: I need to remove myself to what the world is telling me and seek God’s spirit and be led by Him alone. My goal cannot be of earthly things but of why God has placed me here at this time and place. I have a spiritual purpose to fulfill for God’s glory and I need to strive for that every day. He has allowed me the ministry of Getting over depression and I must seek His will for this ministry and be obedient to what He desires.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes and fill me with your spirit. Make it clear to me each day what it is you desire of me. I’m here to serve you alone and to fulfill the purpose you created me for. Help draw me near so I may know your will.