Category: Daily Devotional

Serving By Faith

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3 [13] Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

Observation: I’ve served but did I serve well? I believe serving well is serving with your heart and with the love of Jesus. To be a servant who desires to serve not because you have to but because you want to. When people see that type of serving they can see your faith in Jesus.

Application: Start serving because it honors God not just to do something because I feel I have to or should. Remember why I’m serving and go out not to impress others but to point them to my source of strength in Jesus. Be more humble when I serve even if I’m the one in charge let others know where I get my direction.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart that I may serve out of my love for you. Humble me before others that they may see past my good works to the one I’m working for.

He wants Everybody Home

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:[4] who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Observation: I really pick and choose who I pray for and who I care about. I have many more negative thoughts about others then positive, but God loves us all including me. He asks so little of me all He wants is that I tell others about the love He has already given me and that He has for them. I may have to face some embarrassment at times or a little persecution, but compared to what God has done for me that would be like buying a Rolls Royce for a penny.

Application: Look at others through God’s eyes, then show them love and respect by the way I treat them. Take any opportunity to share the love of God and if there isn’t an opportunity make one. Be bold with my faith and time that God has given me and make the most to draw others nearer to Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’ve wasted so much of my life already please help me not waste any more. Show me how to express to others the love I have for you and the reason for this love and help guide them to you.

God’s Patience is Never Ending

Scripture:1 Timothy 1: [16] But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

Observation: We were with friends last night and we were sharing our testimony on how we were in the past. I thought about how terrible I was and how God should have hated me for the way I treated others and how selfish I was. There was no reason in my mind that God shouldn’t have allowed me to end my life the many times I tried. I thought the world would have been better off and it would be one less headache for God. But He knew something I didn’t, that He could use anything and He wanted me, because others may be able to see His undying love and patience without end.

Application: It’s time to use this testimony the Lord has given me to bring others close to God. To show others the man I was and that I deserved no mercy, yet the Lord gave freely to use me to touch their heart. God didn’t give up on me, even when He should have and I should never give up on God and the purpose He has for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your mercy and your grace and seeing something in me that I didn’t know existed. Use your servant and the testimony of your love in this undeserving man.

Never Tire

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2 [13] And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

Observation: It seems as though I’m always tired. Just yesterday Teri and I did an outreach at Solutions for Change. We prepared dinner and made it special for a lot of people. It was work but it felt good doing something to honor God. So many times however I won’t do something because it takes time and energy to do good.

Application: I need to remember what Jesus did for me. It took all His time and his life to do all the good He did. After he was tortured He carried a heavy cross to the top of a hill to lay it down and be nailed on it. He only stopped when He couldn’t go any further, then got up and went some more. He never gave up for me and I shouldn’t give up on Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord your servant is lazy, forgive me. Give me strength to persevere and do good in glory and honor to you.

Eternal Encouragement

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2 16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope,

Observation: How can I be discouraged if I have eternal encouragement? Because I’m focused not on the eternal but on this world and all the troubles it brings. My eternal encouragement is that this is not where I belong but have a new eternal home that is not of this world full of love joy and purpose. Jesus is my hope, nothing else, He should be my focus each day

Application: Wake up each morning and talk to my Lord and ask Him to open my eyes to His eternal hope and encouragement. Be focused on why I’m here and do My Father’s will. Take time each day with my eyes closed and remember I’m going home someday soon.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m yours. Guide me today and each day to my eternal home and fill my heart with the hope only you can give me.

Am I worthy of the Calling?

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1 11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

Observation: I keep thinking if I’m doing God a favor by doing ministry. I think that I might not be worthy of doing anything for God. I shouldn’t be doing things that others may see, I shouldn’t be doing things to pay back God for what He’s done and I shouldn’t be doing things to make myself feel more worthy. The only reason I should be trying to do God’s will is because I love Him.

Application: I need to ask God what He desires and what my purpose is her in this world and by faith I should proceed to have God direct me. No other agenda or reason is acceptable only fulfilling my purpose out of love for my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord I freely give you this life, please use it to your glory and that no matter what I do that my love for you will shine through.

Giving Thanks All the Time

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5 [18] give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Observation: Knowing God’s will is everything and this is another verse that shows you what His will in our lives. It is not easy however to give thanks in all circumstances usually I get angry first then disappointed and think poor me if it’s a bad situation before thinking of giving thanks, which I seldom do. In the good moments I’m so busy enjoying something wonderful I forget to give thanks because I’m thinking of me and how I feel. It’s amazing I’m always correcting my grandchildren if I give them something to make sure they say, “thank You.” And what I give is nothing in comparison of what God gives me each day.

Application: Realize I deserve nothing from God accept punishment for the way I am, but out of His love He still blesses me. When circumstances are bad God gets me through. He deserves my thanks and love no matter what, because He gave me His love first.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for each day you allow me to have. Every good things comes from you and when I receive bad You get me through. Open my eyes in each situation to what You desire me to learn from it and I thank you in advance for all You do.