Category: Daily Devotional

Meditating on God’s Law

Scripture Psalms 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.

Observation: to lead a Godly life you will have to meditate on God’s word day and night. The world is so full of noise and distraction, if you are not grounded in God’s word the world will take over quickly. Everything that comes your way each day must be measured by God’s law, is this right or wrong, will this honor God or betray Him. Betray Him might sound drastic, but it is exactly what we do when we stop thinking of God’s commands and start to listen to the world around us. To make it through each day I need to focus on my Lord and I can’t do it completely, I have my moments, but mush too often I catch myself thinking sinfully about someone or something. The only way to avoid this temptation is to meditate on God and His commands and desires.

Application: I start my day in prayer, but even then, I get distracted and my mind wanders. I need to try harder to stay with my Lord and meditate on His commands, not just read them each day but place them in my heart for safe keeping. If I can get God to be my main focus and drown out any other distractions and enjoy Him, I can make it. I need to delight myself in Him not drive myself crazy because I have a hard time staying focused, but when I’m with Him to enjoy that time I get to spend with Him.

Prayer: My Lord I want to delight in you, but my mind wanders all of the time. Show me how to pray to you in a way that will draw me closer to you. May I enjoy each moment with you and fill my mind and heart with you and you alone. I want people to see you in my life, but I need to know you and your commands better. Help me draw close to you and that you will also enjoy the time we get to spend together.

Speaking Right of the Lord

Scripture Job 42:7 And so it was, after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.

Observation: All through Job they talked about what Job most have done to have God’s wrath against him and Job kept defending himself to his friends. No one spoke of how righteous God is. Nobody said that God is good and there must be a purpose in what was happening and that they should trust in that. God was only mentioned by Job when it came to his suffering and he had no idea why God would do such a thing. The same is with us we will go through a period of trials and be so focused on the mess we were in that we didn’t look at God, knowing that He loves and cares for us and that there must be a reason we are going through this time. We forget that our home is not here, but we have an eternal home and that we earn rewards and a lot of those rewards will come from the way we trust God in our hardships.

Application: I need to be focusing on God and to trust Him always no matter what might be going on in my life. I don’t do very good with that since my work contract was up in the air all I thought about what was I going to do about it, instead of looking to God and ask Him what He wanted me to do during this process. God has always been there for me and when I look back I can see Him throughout my life. I need to draw closer to Him and meditate on His word and His desires for this life. I want to know God better and what He expects of me and do it in glory and honor to Him.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to stay focused on you. My mind wanders continually and I have a hard time staying focused. Give me a peace of mind that will help me seek you with all of my heart, mind and soul. Show me how to love you the way you desire me to. Draw me close to you and open my eyes.

God Owns It All

Scripture Job 41:11 Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him? Everything under heaven is Mine.

Observation: There is nothing we can give God, He owns it all. Everything we see He has created. The only thing He desires is our obedience and love. God has allowed us to give it out of our own will, He has given us a choice. He could have just as easily made us robots making love and obedience the only thing that we could do, but He didn’t want that He wants us to love Him unconditionally and to obey His commands out of love for Him. It would seem to be an easy decision whether to freely give our Lord what he desires, but we are still fighting these sinful and prideful desires we have. God owns everything and that includes us, there is no dealing or trading with God we either love Him or we don’t. It’s our choice.

Application: I need to stop putting things ahead of God. My attitude, my desires, my actions and words need to honor my Lord. I want to draw closer to my God and become a trusted friend to Him as he is to me. I’m tired of letting Him down all the time I need to be trustworthy each day with my number one thought always being about Him. My Master can’t take a backseat to what I do, He needs to be in the driver’s seat directing me.

Prayer: My Lord I know a day doesn’t go by that I go astray and get off the path. Why is it so hard for me to stay focused on You. I need your help, please take charge I freely give you this life, take it so that it will glorify you. I love you and can’t wait to spend forever with you. May my homecoming bring a smile to your face, because I led a life pleasing to you.

Do You Rebuke God?

Scripture Job 40:2 “Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it.”

Observation: How many times have we questioned God? I know it’s more than I want to admit. When things don’t go the way I plan I think what was God thinking? Our lives can be full of disappointments and trouble, but when I look back, they were caused by me and God had to get me out of the mess I made. We have no right to get into a discussion with God and our viewpoint, we are here to obey and listen. God hears us and what we should want him to hear is worship and not complaining.

Application: Today I received the news that the contract where I work was renewed. I’ve been worried about it for a couple of months now, asking God if it is his will that He would work it out that I could stay, but if not to open my eyes to His will. Great sentiment, but if I truly trusted Him, I wouldn’t have to say it each day, I’m sure He heard me the first time. I have no right to ask God for anything, even though He allows me to enter the throne room with my requests. My purpose is to bring Him pleasure and an obedient and trusting spirit would do that.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for allowing me to come before you. Help me spend more time listening to you and less telling you what I would like. Give me the wisdom to do and say the things that would please you and fill me with the Holy Spirit and allow me to hear you and obey you. I love you and my only desire is to please you.

What Have We Accomplished?

Scripture Job 39:19 “Have you given the horse strength? Have you clothed his neck with thunder?

Observation: God is on a roll He goes through all that He has done and asks if Job has done it. If there was a hole to crawl in Job would be in it, unfortunately there is no place to hide from God. We are no better than Job, we are not responsible for anything on this earth. Even scientific discoveries are allowed by God, but we have created nothing new. Everything man has created comes from the raw materials that God supplied. We can’t answer back to God, we can’t complain against God it is futile. Instead of trying to battle against God we need to surrender and fall at His feet and ask Him what He desires of us. We shouldn’t be on the other side of God we need to be on His side.

Application: I was reading “The Purpose Driven Live” today and it talked about surrender to God, one of the main things we need to do to understand our purpose in this life. It hit my heart that this is what I need to do, completely surrender to my Lord. If I call him Lord I have no other option, but to obey Him and do what He calls me to do, otherwise He isn’t Lord. I need to surrender my finances, my time, my desires and my will and replace it with His. I want to be a prisoner of His love, mercy and grace and be controlled totally by my Master. I’ve messed up my life enough and I need to give control to my creator.

Prayer: Dear Lord please show me how to completely surrender all. I want to give this life as a living sacrifice, but it seems each day I take it back and try to do things on my own. You deserve my best and guide me to hear your voice for direction each day. You know my heart and you know this sinner, change me to honor and glorify your name. I love you and want to honor you my Lord, show me how.

Words Without Knowledge

Scripture Job 38:2 “Who is this who darkens counsel By words without knowledge?

Observation: This is the chapter in the Bible that I’m so glad that I’m not Job. God lets him have and justifiably so. Yet I deserve the same tongue lashing as he got. I’m always questioning my Lord and I worry all the time. I still haven’t found out if I’ll have a job waiting to see if the contract will be renewed. I start my day saying that I will trust Him, but it doesn’t take long before I’m anxious and want to take things in my own hands to get an answer. I forget He is God the creator of all things and owes me nothing, he has already given me so much more than I deserve. I speak without knowledge and yet God tells me to ask and He will give me the wisdom that I will need.

Application: My prayers must be more than mere words, I need to act on what I tell my Lord. If I tell Him that I will trust Him than I better let go of all that bothers me and trust Him to do what He wants done. If I tell Him that I’m going to do something than I better do it without excuses, If I promise Him, I will not lust after things than I better do so and ask Him for strength and the discipline to be obedient. God never told me that I can do it on my own as a matter of fact He told me I couldn’t and that I will need Him to live this life in a way that pleases Him. It’s time I took my words and made them action that will be pleasing to my Lord.

Prayer: My Lord you’ve heard me say it over and over again how I’m going to live my life to glorify you and that I’m not doing a very good job, in fact I’m doing a terrible job. Lord help me do what I say I’m going to do and have me be obedient to you always. Please take this anxiety from me and give my soul peace. Give me direction and a purpose that will please you. I’m here for You and You only. I love you, Lord.

God’s Ways Are Higher Than Ours

Scripture Job 37:5 God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend.

Observation: I don’t know why we think we’ll figure out God. God is so much larger than our thoughts and we’ll never comprehend Him. We are not here to figure God out we’re here to obey Him. We are not on equal playing ground with God. If something terrible happens we are not to blame God or expect an answer. Our job is to trust Him and do what He calls us to do. We are not to judge God and His actions. We are to know His word and His laws and keep them. Like Job we want answers, but we were never promised them and we are not worthy of receiving them.

Application: I need to trust God so much more than I do. I start my day off by telling the creator of all things that I do trust Him, but after a short time I’m questioning what is happening. I need to let go and just trust Him and do my best to glorify Him. That is why I’m here is to bring Him pleasure. God has created me for a purpose and I know what my goal is and that is to glorify and worship Him. God owes me nothing, but I owe Him everything.

Prayer: My Lord, I do love you and I want to trust you completely. You have been fully trustworthy, but your servant is weak and my mind wanders all the time. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to live this life. May I bring you pleasure each day.