Category: Daily Devotional

Ignoring Others Is a Sin

Scripture Deuteronomy 22:1 If you see your brother’s ox or sheep straying, do not ignore it but be sure to take it back to him.

Observation: We think if we do nothing wrong to someone it’s okay, but if you fail to do something for someone it’s a sin. We are called to love one another and to treat them the way we treat ourselves. We make sure we are not in need, but how often do we tend to the needs of others? We have an obligation to God to help our brothers, to ignore them when we could have helped, is a sin. We praise ourselves when we help others, but we are only doing what God commands us to do and what He has done for us.

Application: I am one of the worst people when it comes to helping others. I’ll do my ministry and help as an organized event, but when it comes to the day to day help, I’m a sinner. I need to look for ways to help others and not wait until a convenient situation comes my way. I need to stop putting my desires above other’s needs. God has blessed me so that I may be a good steward of His and help His children.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart and give me a generous heart. I need you to soften my heart so that I may see the needs of others instead of always looking at my desires. Lord I want to please you , but I’m a sinner and I need the filling of the Holy Spirit to accomplish being the man you desire me to be.

Purging the Evil

Scripture Deuteronomy 21:[21] Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.

Observation: Can you image if we purged all the evil in today’s world? There wouldn’t be anything left or very little. We seem to choose to ignore evil or except it as a way of life. Every day on the news I hear about the evil men and women do to each other, children and others. I see how we take God out of everything, unless it is a disaster and then we ask God to bless America. It is time to purge the evil from this place, but I don’t know if there is enough stones anymore.

Application: I can’t control what the world does, I’m limited to what I have control of and that’s a start. If I would purge the evil from my own life and not give in to temptation that would be a start. I need to be kinder to others and set an example of a God fearing man in my small realm of influence. I need to start with my own life and be proactive in doing good.

Prayer: Dear Lord I sit here each day being tempted to do evil and I need you to make me the man you desire me to be. I need to purge the evil from my heart and mind and be someone that pleases you. I love you with my whole heart and can’t wait to be with you. Help rid me of the evil that dwells in my heart.

My God Fights for Me

Scripture Deuteronomy 20:4 for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’

Observation: I use to think I had to do everything for myself and my life depended on me, but now that I’m saved I look back to see how God was working in my life. He is the one that always came to my rescue and he was the one that fought for me. My biggest enemy was myself and He helped me die to myself so that I may live a life of hope and joy.

Application: I need to live this life depending on God and doing what He calls me to do. I’m here as a servant not a king, I have only one king, my Lord Jesus. I need to listen to His instruction and do what He calls me to do and have faith that He will protect and guide me each day. This battle is too big for me I need to let Jesus my King and warrior take charge and follow behind Him.

Prayer: My Lord, thank you for your hedge of protection you surround me with. Lead your servant and show me what You desire of me. I need your love and protection or I’ll never make it through a day. Help me be a better follower as you lead the way.

Punishment for Evil

Scripture Deuteronomy 19:20 And those who remain shall hear and fear, and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you.

Observation: In our society today there is so much evil done each day. The news is full of the evil we do to each other and yet the punishment does not come close to the crime. Our prisons are full of criminals whose rights are protected more than their victims. Our politicians are criminals and their crimes are made public in the news, but little is done to them. If we would do what God commands us to make the punishment harsh enough so people would think twice before committing these terrible crimes our society would be much better off.

Application: God has called me to a standard of living in this world and to be a representative of Him. I need to help get God’s word out to others and guide them with it so that they too may see the truth. God has given me responsibility of my actions and I need to be the best person I can be to set an example to others. I may not be able to change our legal system but I can help point others to Christ and His word.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be a better person. A just and loving man that would honor you in all that I do. I’m here for a short while may I live my walk and walk close to you.

The False Prophets

Scripture Deuteronomy 18:22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

Observation: I was discussing this about how the other cults have prophets that can’t prophesize. Even the Mormon religion has in its book that if a prophet’s prediction doesn’t come true he is not a true prophet and yet the founder of this cult has falsely predicted much more than he has predicted correctly. The reason the Bible is the word of God is because of its prophesies and the accuracy of them. Only God can bring that together with so many authors over such a long period of time.

Application: I need to bring this to more people’s attention on how the Bible can only be the word of God and then show them why the other religions are false. I’m commanded to spread the gospel and help guide those to Jesus and this is a wonderful tool to use to help them find home. I need to stop sitting around so much and get busy doing the job God has created me for.

Prayer: My Lord I know without a doubt the Bible is your word and i will obey all that you have placed in it. Help me spread the word to others so that they will know you and love you like I do. I’m here to serve, please direct me in what you desire of me.

Read It All the Days of Your Life

Scripture Deuteronomy 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes,

Observation: Since I’ve been saved I’ve read the Bible almost every day. I’m reading now for the fourteenth time and I still find something new in God’s word. I’m getting to know God’s laws and desires and I find myself more of a sinner since I realize the things I do are against God at times. I’m learning more about God in His word and I know His laws better now than I ever had, but I still don’t observe them all the time, because I still do what I desire above what God desires of me.

Application: I need to continue to read God’s word and to understand in my mind and heart what He desires of me. I need to continue doing this journal, because it helps me hear God more clearly as He directs my steps through His word. I need to do more than just read however, I need to study and have God’s word in my heart so that I can use it throughout the day.

Prayer: My Lord I want to finish this race well before I go home to you. Place on my heart your word and laws and help me obey each one. Help me hear you and point me in the direction you desire me to go. I can’t wait to come home to you, help me glorify you while I’m still here.

Wow What A Gift

Scripture Deuteronomy 16 [17] Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.

Observation: How could I give a gift like that? God has blessed me so much what gift could I bring to Him that would be proportioned to how He has blessed me? The only way to come close is to give Him me, all of me and all that I have in His service. Everything that I have is only because my God has given it to me and the only reason I exist is because He allows it. I should be giving this gift every day, a whole hearted commitment to serve Him.

Application: I know what I should be doing and now I need to do it without any excuses God needs to be first in my life. I’m the gift and once given I can’t take it back. My time and possessions are His, a living sacrifice that should be holy and pleasing to my Lord. I’m God’s, created for Him.

Prayer: My Lord a day doesn’t go by that I don’t fall short of not giving you fully what you deserve. Show me how to give you me and not take it back during the course of the day. I desire to please you with the gift of myself, but I can’t do it alone. Help me be better for you. I love you and truly want to please you. Your servant Mark