Calling Others to Obedience
Scripture: Romans 1:5 Through him and for his name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.
Observation: Because of the grace God has given me and the teaching through his word I am instructed to call people to Christ. This calling comes through faith both by my spreading the gospel and for others that receive the message. My most important purpose is to draw others to Christ by my words, actions, works and the way I live my life.
Application: I need to be obedient to my calling. God has blessed me with so much and asks so little of me, yet I continue to reject my calling due to laziness and wanting things for myself. I have only so much more time left and I need to honor God with the rest of my life.
Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and direct me in all that I do, that I will glorify you with the rest of this life that you give me. May I draw nearer to you and please you for you are worthy of all of my love, praise and obedience.