The Aroma of Christ
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
Observation: When we are in God’s will fulfilling the purpose He has given us, to spread the gospel and seek out the lost in his name. We are like his son, Jesus. As we tell others and they accept the message of the gospel and are saved they also smell like the Son, but for those who are told and decide not to receive it is the smell of death.
Application: That God may smell the aroma of Christ in my life. That I will honor him by spreading the gospel in the way he has created me. He has given me a gift of being able to talk to people, that they seem comfortable around me, so I need to speak out in his name. Find every opportunity to proclaim the gospel and lead others to salvation through Jesus.
Prayer: My Lord may I not be silent, but proclaim Jesus’ name to whoever you put in my path. May I not get home and discover there are people that should have been with you through me, but may it be a reunion of those you have surrounded me with gathered to worship you.