I want to be Pleasing to God
Scripture: Mark 1:[11] And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Observation: I know God loves me, but am I pleasing to him? I’m always disappointing him with the things I do, you would think by now I would be following Jesus closer. To be like Jesus that is what is going to please God.
Application: To be like Jesus is the goal and that will be a goal I will never attain, but I need to keep trying. I need to ask “What Would Jesus Do” in the situations I face each day and then do it. To ask for guidance through prayer and to think before I act. Then hope to hear the words you are my child, whom I love, with you I am well pleased.
Prayer: Dear Father put on my heart to do the things that please you. I’m your child, servant and slave show me how to serve you and do the things that honor you.