I Need To Stop Judging
Scripture: Romans 14: [10] You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.
Observation: I can’t even look at someone without measuring them up. I will judge their appearance, the way they stand, talk or gesture. People can talk to me and instead of listening I’m making judgments about them. I judge people by the way they act in front of me or even by what they own. I’m so busy judging I don’t have time to love.
Application: I need to look at others for who they are, a child of God. I have no right to judge and no ability to do so. God has told me that was His job and I’m not qualified, instead He asks me to love them and to help them in any way I can. I guess when I’m perfect then I’ll be able to judge others, but not until then.
Prayer: My Lord you have put so many wonderful people in my life let me see them the way you do. May I receive anyone as your child and make them feel welcome. Soften my heart so I may be a light and not a magnifying glass.