Crying Out to God
Scripture 2 Sam 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry entered His ears.
Observation: In my distress seems to be an everyday occurrence for me. I catch myself thinking evil about others, I have no self-control about eating, I have a hard time staying focused on the tasks God sets before me and I cry out for help. I know He hears me, because He answers my cries and comforts me in my trials. My mind doesn’t stop I can’t seem to keep it at rest or focused on one thing so I cry out for peace, I cry out for direction and patience and I know my Lord hears me. Sometimes I think He has to be getting tired of the constant cries from me, but He never makes me feel as though He does, He just continues to hear my pleas and grants them in His way.
Application: I need to realize my Lord is always there and I need to trust Him in every aspect of my life. I need to realize the depth of His love for me and how He cares for me and wants me to succeed for Him and that He is willing to help me out and all I have to do is ask. There is nothing that happens to me that my Lord doesn’t know about and there is nothing too big for Him to handle. I need to just make sure that I’m in His will and doing what honors Him and show Him that I trust and love Him no matter what.
Prayer: Dear Lord I know that you hear me and I thank you for always being there for me. Forgive me of my distress, because if I truly trusted and loved you I would realize you are bigger than anything that can happen to me. I know you won’t give up on me, help me earn the rewards that you have set aside for me. I love and trust you Father, guide me each day.