Month: February 2024

Do Not Fret Evil

Scripture Proverbs 24:19 Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the wicked;

Observation: There is so much evil in this world as if Satan is having a clearance sale on sin. You can’t look at the news or Facebook or talk to someone without knowing how bad things are getting in this evil place. Evil is from the enemy and we know that Jesus destroys Satan so there is nothing to fear. This is not our home, but we are called to be like Christ while we are here.

Application: We are called to one purpose and that is to bring others to Jesus. We are gifted differently and will accomplish that in our own way, but if our hearts and minds are filled with the evil that surrounds us how are we going to be comforted with God’s word? We are called not to fear, but be God’s ambassadors while we are here.

Prayer: My Lord help settle my heart and eliminate any of my thoughts that don’t honor you. Give me the strength to finish this race and that my heart will be focused on your glory.

Seek Instruction and Knowledge

Scripture Proverbs 23:12 Apply your heart to instruction, And your ears to words of knowledge.

Observation: I listen to what people tell me, but I don’t apply it most of the time. I feel I know better but most times I don’t. I don’t allow myself the opportunity to listen and take in instruction and to weigh it to see if it is the right thing to do.

Application: I need to apply what I hear and search scriptures to see if these are truly words of knowledge. I’m old and getting set in my ways and that is not the way I should be. I should always be open to new knowledge and instructions.

Prayer: My Lord open my heart and mind to what you are trying to teach me. Help me discern what I hear every day and to apply this knowledge to help me fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

Trust in the Lord

Scripture Proverbs 22:19 So that your trust may be in the LORD; I have instructed you today, even you.

Observation: My life verses are Proverbs 3:5,6, so that I may trust in the Lord in all things. The instructions God gives us is in His word. Everything we need to know is written in the Bible and whosoever reads and places those words in their heart will know what to do and I think that the last couple of words, even you, refers to those that hold God’s words to heart.

Application: I need to continue to be in the word every day. I need to do more however than just read, I must meditate and keep God’s word near to me all day long. When anxiety and troubles come, I need to trust the Lord with all of my heart and search my heart with a verse that will get me through any situation.

Prayer: My Lord your word is dear to my heart. Help me remember in times of trouble and turn to you instead of my negative thoughts and trust in you in every situation that might arise. I love you Lord, draw mw near.

The Lord Knows Our Heart

Scripture Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the hearts.

Observation: I’ve done so many things that I thought were right. I would serve, share and read my Bible, but only the things that I do for my Lord are truly considered righteous. God know my heart and why I do the things that I do, so am I doing things so that I feel good or doing them to make Jesus look good?

Application: I need to consider why I’m doing what I do. I need to take it in prayer and ask God for direction. I only have so much time left here and I need it to matter to God. I’m lazy and I need to stop making excuses and to get up and honor my King.

Prayer: My Lord I do love you and I ask for your forgiveness of my lack of service to you. Help me Lord serve you the way you desire to be served, I owe you everything command me to fulfill the purpose you have given me.

Follow God’s Plan

Scripture Proverbs 20:24 A man’s steps are of the LORD; How then can a man understand his own way?

Observation: As hard as I struggle doing my own thing I need to submit to my Lord. He has the plan for my life a plan to prosper me, not to harm me and to give me hope. I have a purpose in this life that only God knows and if I would submit to His leadership, He will direct my steps. I have no other purpose than to do what God has called me to do and that is my purpose and my joy.

Application: I need to fully give in to God’s agenda and stop trying to make my own way. Stop looking at my own selfish desires and allow God to lead me. As soon as I feel that I’m going astray to stop and pray that God would take my hand and lead me to where He desires me to go.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am your creation, your servant and child. I need you to lead me in the way that you desire and not me. Please show me how to finish this race, glorifying you. I love you Lord, I’m your bond servant.

God’s Way and Not My Plans

Scripture Proverbs 19:21 There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the LORD’S counsel–that will stand.

Observation: I do have many plans and most of them do not take God in consideration. I do however carry out some of them, but the ones that don’t honor God soon come to an unfulfilled end. Then there are things that I do out of prayer, plans that are God’s ideas and not mind. They are carried out successfully, it seems without much of my help.

Application: When I have these ideas, I need to take them into prayer to see if they are from my Lord. It’s easy I just have to match them up with His Word. If the plan honors God, using the gifts and abilities he has given me and he gives me a clear course to accomplish these plans, then it is safe to proceed and allow Him to carry them out with a little help from His servant.

Prayer: My Lord my desire is to do your will. Take the laziness from me and command me what to do. Use me dear Lord to fulfill the purpose you have created me for and guide me to the finish line of this race. I love you Lord and can’t wait to be with you forever.

A Wife is a Great Blessing

Scripture Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.

Observation: I’ve been so blessed to have Teri as my wife. We do so much together but the most important things are that we pray each night together and we serve others in Jesus name together. I really feel we are one flesh when it comes to our love for the Lord. God has truly blessed our marriage and I can’t wait to see what he has planned for us to do next.

Application: God has called me to love and take care of my wife as I take care of myself. Before I do anything, I want to make sure it honors God and blesses my wife. I need to put her needs above mine and show her my love and that we need to always stay in His will for our lives.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I can’t thank you enough for the blessing of my awesome wife and I ask for guidance on how to be the husband she deserves me to be. Give me strength and discernment to be the best husband I can be. I love you Lord help me show it by the husband I am for Teri.