Our Question for Today
Scripture Habakkuk 1:13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil,
And cannot look on wickedness.
Why do You look on those who deal treacherously,
And hold Your tongue when the wicked devours
A person more righteous than he?
Observation: So many people are questioning God during these evil times. People are living in fear and expect an answer to why this is happening. We have allowed all the evil that we see today to happen, we are the ones listening to wicked leaders and not holding anyone accountable for these actions. God is just and knows everything including what is best for His children. These things have been prophesied and should not be of any surprise to us.
Application: This is not our home and I need to do whatever God commands me to do to open the eyes of others to this. To continue to go to the strand every day as God continues to put people into my path and speak what He puts on my heart. I need to be humble and allow the Holy Spirit to work through me.
Prayer My Lord and my God use me today to open someone’s eyes to You. Humble me before you that I will repent of any unholy thing in my life and that I will serve you in the manner You desire.