Daily Devotional

Allow the Holy Spirit to Speak

Scripture: Mark 13:[11] Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

Observation: I have had several moments in my life where the Holy Spirit speaks through me and it’s wonderful. It’s like standing next to yourself listening, not knowing what you are going to say next. At that time you must forget yourself and be still as the words flow forth, being in submission to God.

Application: Allow myself to get in the situation where the Holy Spirit can speak through me. Be bold in those situations and not be focused on my abilities but on what God wants to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord please work through me. Empty me of any pride that might prevent me being used by you. Take charge of this servant and guide me to fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

Love God Wholeheartedly

Scripture: Mark 12:[30] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Observation: So do I? I love God, but do I love him in the measure He requires me to. Is he always in my thoughts, in my heart and in my decisions? I wish I could answer yes, but I can’t. My desires always get in my way.

Application: Ask God to show me how to love him. I’m not capable in my own power do love God the way he deserves to be loved. I need to strip away myself and give myself to honoring, obeying and loving God completely as he deserves.

Prayer: Dear Father I do love you, teach me how to love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. I want to draw nearer to you and be able to feel your embrace, help me love you the way you want to be loved by me.

Believe and Receive

Scripture: Mark 11:[24] Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Observation: I pray each day and enjoy my time with the Lord. Unfortunately my mind wanders and I ask myself do I believe I will receive what I just asked for. My prayers are weak because of my lack of belief. Though I receive so much from my Lord and He has been so faithful I still lack faith to believe completely.

Application: My prayers will only be answered if I have the type of faith that Jesus calls me to have and only at that time will I be able to please God. All of Jesus’ miracles were done by faith and I need that faith to fulfill the purpose God has called me to.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and help me overcome my unbelief at times. Draw me closer and open my eyes to the man you call me to be. Use me to touch the lives of others in your name.

Lord Make Me A Child

Scripture: Mark 10:[15] I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Observation: A child doesn’t worry about the troubles of this world. They are trusting, loving and need love and comfort from their parents. They need to feel safe and protected and realize they are not capable of doing it themselves. They believe in things that adults won’t because they need proof.

Application: Trust as a child in complete confidence in my heavenly Father. Have the faith of a child that my Dad is the greatest Dad ever and brag about him to my friends. Believe in my Dad as a child and but my trust in his hands.

Prayer: Dear Dad thank you for always being there, for providing for all of my needs, loving me, disciplining me when I needed it but never getting angry at me always caring. I love you Dad draw me closer to you.

Help My Unbelief

Scripture: Mark 9:24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Observation: I keep proclaiming my belief in God and yet my actions and thought proclaim my unbelief. My lack of trust and faith are evident at times as I worry. How can I know so much about my Lord and not trust him with this life he has given me?

Application: I need to be anxious for nothing and trust God. I need to pray for God’s help with my unbelief and draw nearer to him. I need to remember all that he has done for me and realize there is a reason for my existence and he holds the reason.

Prayer: Dear Lord my prayer is the same as the father of that boy that you would help me with my unbelief and increase my faith as the apostles asked. I’m weak and unworthy of all that you give me, but help me become the man that would please you.

Taking Up My Cross

Scripture: Mark 8:34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Observation: I spent most of my life thinking of me and my needs. Denying myself will be the work of the Holy Spirit. To pick up my cross and focus on Jesus and to trust in him completely no matter what might happen. This must happen each day.

Application: I need to live my life for my God and no one else. I need to submit to his will in all situations and follow his desires for my life. When the going gets rough I can’ take my eyes of my Lord I must then follow even closer.

Prayer: Dear God I thank you for guiding me and for your patience. I ask that you fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to follow you with all of my heart and become the man you want me to be.

What Comes Out

Scripture: Mark 7:[15] Nothing outside a man can make him `unclean’ by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him `unclean.’ ”

Observation: So many things that I say or actions I take that make me unclean. When I gossip about others, get angry or sins I commit. Things that I do that do not honor God that others see makes me unclean.

Application: Think before I do or say anything. I’m here as a representative of God to show others the way. I need to make sure it’s the right way and not my way. Pray before taking an action or speaking to someone. Make sure it will lift God or someone up and not myself.

Prayer: Dear Father you deserve my best, all that I have and am. I can’t do it without you. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and teach me how to be clean before you.