Daily Devotional

Jesus Comes First

Scripture Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Observation: Jesus is saying unless we love God with all of our heart, mind and soul we can’t be His disciples. He does not want us to hate, but that our love for Him is so great that in comparison it appears to be hate. All throughout the Bible, it tells us to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and to love others as ourselves. We can’t be His disciples unless our love for Him is great.

Application: Love is an action and I need to daily make a commitment to my Lord that I will love Him completely. In everything that I do I must consider what would please my Lord and show Him my love for Him. I’m here for a short time and need to live this way and for all eternity in love with My Lord.

Prayer Jesus, I want to love You the way You love me. I know that is impossible but may that not detour me from trying. Use me today that I may show others my love for You.

Seek the Narrow Gate

Scripture Luke 13:24 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

Observation: The narrow gate is just that You either believe Jesus is the Christ who died for our sins and has risen and sits at the right hand of God or you believe something else. Most of the world believes something else whether it’s Islam, Buddha, Jehovah Witness, Mormon or some other religion. They will find themselves outside weeping and gnashing their teeth. It’s a narrow gate, but all we have to do is believe and we can enter.

Application: I thank God that He continued to guide me through this gate. if I succeeded in ending my life I did I would be the one weeping, but God had other plans for me. He guided me through the narrow gate that will lead me home. God now calls me to help others see the way to God and their eternal home and I need to be obedient to that calling.

Prayer My Lord I thank you for your saving grace and guiding me through the narrow gate. Use me today to help someone else see the way home to You. I’m so blessed to be your servant.

Treasures in Heaven

Scripture Luke 12:33 Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys.

Observation: I’m old enough now to realize nothing lasts. Whatever money I’ve save up for something, a problem crops up and the money is gone. The things I buy here break and are discarded and nothing lasts. Most of the time I’ve spent making money here is gone, but the treasures I’ve built up in Heaven are still waiting for me. I know I don’t deserve them, but God can’t wait to give them to me. However, my greatest treasure is to see my Lord face to face, embrace Him and thank him personally for the love He has for me.

Application: I’m still here so I should be working for my Lord. I need to use my time and possessions to help bring others to Christ. I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and now I’m on the clock and need to be doing what I’ve been ordered to do.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for this opportunity You have given me to earn rewards that will be used when I get home. May each day be a day that pleases You for that will be my reward for now.

God’s Will Done on Earth

Scripture Luke 11:2 So He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

Observation: I’ve heard commentaries that this will be on the new earth and not this one. If you look around on this earth you can see why God’s will is not being done or will be done on this current earth. This world is moving farther and farther away for God’s will and more towards Satan’s. God’s name that should be hallowed is mostly blasphemed, but the time is coming.

Application: I should never waver from what God has called me to do. Even if the world doesn’t do God’s will I must no matter what happens I need to cry out to God every day for direction, fulfilling the purpose He has given me.

Prayer My Lord I know there is nothing that You can’t do. You could command everyone now to do your will, but I know how gracious You are. You want our obedience to be out of love. I’m waiting for the day that Your will be done on a new earth, guide me today to honor You.

How We Should Love God

Scripture Luke 10:27 So he answered and said, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and your neighbor as yourself.’”

Observation: The Bible makes it clear how we are to love God and others, but do we. I have my moments when God is where He should be on the throne of my heart, but those moments are few. Whatever I do my decision should be based on how it honors God and by doing so I will treat others differently, because I’ll be able to see them through God’s eyes.

Application: I need to humble myself first, because until I get out of my own way, I won’t be able to give God the attention He deserves. I will need the help of the Holy Spirit to love God the way He deserves and to love others in a way that will be pleasing to Him. As soon as those are my priorities, I will be able to live the way God deserves.

Prayer My Lord I’m weak, please humble your servant and remind me that is what I am. May I obey every command out of love and praise to You. Holy Spirit be with me today as I walk and honor God it what I do and say.

Taking Up the Cross Daily

Scripture Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.

Observation: Following Jesus is a day by day honor. We can’t forecast what we will be doing a week, month or year ahead of time, but we can plan a day at a time. Each morning, I pray read the word and ask God to direct me that day. It seems simple enough to pick up my cross a day at a time, but the enemy will do whatever he can to distract me from my mission. A day at a time is still a journey and we need to be prepared for it.

Application: My day is beginning and before I go out of my house, I need to pick up the cross Jesus has given me. It’s not heavy because He carries it with me, but I need to remember it is there as I speak to people, knowing my actions might be noticed by others. Before I speak or do I need to think of the cross that Jesus bore for me and honor Him with this day.

Prayer My Lord thank you for your sacrifice. Words can’t describe my appreciation for you being in my life. I ask You to rule me today and put me on the path Yu have chosen for me and that I won’t forget whose I am.

Jesus Cried?

Scripture Luke 8:8 But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.” When He had said these things He cried, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Observation: I never noticed this before that Jesus cried after telling them the parable. I’m not sure why He would cry except that He knew those who would receive the word have a heavenly home to go to and those who don’t will go to eternal punishment. He must have looked out and knew those who weren’t going to receive the word and it broke His heart.

Application: God has called His children to work in the field and spread the seed. It’s up to the Holy Spirit to touch those heart that are ready to receive the word and to also go and work the field. I need to be ready to spread the word of God whenever I’m called, may I see the fruit of my labor in Heaven.

Prayer Dear Lord, You have entrusted me with a task that can help change eternity for someone. I’m not the one that makes the seed grow, but You call on me to be the one that sows. May I be used by You to increase the harvest in glory and honor to You.