Claiming Jesus Alive!
Scripture: Acts 25: [19] Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive.
Observation: Do I claim before others that Jesus is alive? I know He is because He is with me every day. I feel and know His presence and He guides me through this life, so I know the truth, what is stopping me from telling others that Jesus is alive?
Application: I need to step out and proclaim what I know about my Lord and the love He has for me and everyone and that He has risen. Tell others how wonderful it is to live with Jesus in my life and share with them that He wants to walk with them.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for always being there for me and show me how to tell others that you are right here. Show me how to spread the gospel of your love and be the man you call me to be.