Daily Devotional

The Liars of This World

Scripture 1 Kings 13:18 He said to him, “I too am a prophet as you are, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the LORD, saying, ‘Bring him back with you to your house, that he may eat bread and drink water.’ ” (He was lying to him.)

Observation: Here a prophet claiming he was talking to the Lord, lied and convinced the prophet what he said was true. In this account it is the person who listened to the lie, instead of what he was told from God, that suffered the consequences. That is happening today with all of the false religions, men telling others that their religion is from God when it’s not. Even though I believe the liars will suffer more, the ones who believe the lie and not God will also suffer eternal punishment. We are responsible to seek the truth and not accept with others say. When the apostle Paul spoke to a church before they believed what he said they searched the scriptures to make sure what he said was true and we are also held to know the word of God and His commands.

Application: I talked to so many people and everyone has an opinion, including myself. I need to be accountable to God for this life so first when I say something I need to know that it is true or if it’s my opinion make sure that I say it is and not fact. When other talk to me I should listen and ask for discernment and search God’s word for the truth. I need to find those who have been lied to about what the Bible says and that follow misguided religions the truth that is in God’s word.

Prayer: My Lord the enemy has this world going around in circles with all the lies that are in it. Only your word holds the truth, help me spread your truth to this dying world and use me to touch somebody today. Guide me to only speak truth that I will not say things to make myself look wiser, but to always speak from my heart the things of you.

The Things That are From God

Scripture 1 Kings 12:24 ‘Thus says the LORD: “You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel. Let every man return to his house, for this thing is from Me.” ‘ ” Therefore they obeyed the word of the LORD, and turned back, according to the word of the LORD.

Observation: God will do things in our lives and we must be aware of them. God’s plan isn’t for everything in our life to go wonderful without any troubles or problems. Our rewards are in the times of difficulty to see what we will do. We are only here for a short time, a time to show God how much we love and trust Him. God gives us His Word to guide us and tells us what to do. When we are in dire straits and are not sure which way to turn, that’s when we turn to God to see what will honor Him.

Application: I need to keep my eyes set on my Lord at all times, especially the times when I don’t understand what is happening. I need to get in His word more, pray more and trust more in those times and get guidance. My goal is to glorify God with in every situation, so that should always be my focus, what would Jesus do? That needs to be the question I need to ask myself in every situation.

Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all that I am. Help me through this life, open my eyes to your desires and show me how to get the rewards that You want me to have. Take my focus off of me and set it on the things you desire and make me a better servant each day. Increase my faith and give me the wisdom that I will need to make it through this life in a way that pleases you.

Turning Our Hearts away from God

Scripture 1 Kings 11:4 For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David.

Observation: What turns our hearts away from God. Wealth, self-interest, lust, popularity, pride or even laziness. Sometimes we get complacent and allow our hearts to stray, taking our focus off of God’s plan for us and focusing on what the world has to offer. See it takes strength and love to keep our heart near to God, because of all the distractions in this world and that’ Satan’s plan. Satan doesn’t care if our heart is on him, he just wants to make sure it isn’t on God and he’ll use whatever it takes to change our heart. We only have a short time left here on this earth before we go home and I want to go home to the words of my Lord, well done good and faithful servant.

Application: I wake up each morning starting my day off in prayer and even then I can get distracted by my own thoughts. Then as my day starts out there are obstacles, problems to solve and things to do in this world and my mind gets distracted and I forget about God and my heart turns to my false gods of pride, finances and self-perseverant in this life. I’ll catch myself from time to time, but my heart isn’t commented completely to my God. I need to catch myself as I drift and pull away my heart and go right into prayer asking forgiveness and strength to draw closer to my God.

Prayer: My Lord you have created me and you know my heart and sinful ways and yet you love me. Help me be more by giving you by complete heart. I need your strength, self discipline, wisdom and courage to do this. Please Lord I give you my heart mold it to please you.

God Puts Things on Our Heart

Scripture 1 Kings 10:24 Now all the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

Observation: We have a habit of taking credit for so many things. When people give us a compliment do we point to God? I know that was a very big problem in my life that I wanted all of the credit, but none of the blame. Even now walking with God seeing the miracles that He has done in my life and the countless blessings He has given me, I still don’t give Him the credit He so righteously deserves. I’ve spoken in front of people and the Holy Spirit has taken over putting words in my mouth and touching the hearts of others, I’ve been able to figure out tasks and do things that I couldn’t do without God and in my excitement I still didn’t give God the praise He deserved.

Application: I need to realize where my strength and wisdom comes from. I’ll be teaching a study soon on Heaven and I know I can’t do it alone, it is going to take another miracle from God. I need to present my petition to God and humbly let it go and trust God will do what He desires to do and when it is over I need to tell others that God made it happen and that He deserves all of the glory and praise.

Prayer: My Lord all that I am you created. Empty me out of my selfish pride and open my eyes to your glory. Show me how to live a life that glorifies you. Lord place in my heart the things I need to know to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Help me trust you completely and depend on you daily.

God Hears our Prayers

Scripture 1 Kings 9:3 And the LORD said to him: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.

Observation: I love the way God confirms that He hears Solomon’s prayers and what he desires God to do for him. I pray each day, but so many times I just say the words and don’t expect God to hear me, so then why do I pray? God invites our prayers and He loves to hear from His children. Today is my birthday and I received several phone calls from my mother, father, brother, sister and my daughter. I received some cards with wonderful messages and loving words and just now I broke down knowing I didn’t deserve this love and thanked God. I forget at times he is my Father and I cherish hearing from my family, he does too. He is my Lord, Master and my Father and I love Him so.

Application: I need to pray expectantly knowing that my father hears me and wants to hear from me. I need to always pray in His will and walk the path of righteousness. My prayer life needs to be more personal as I walk with my Lord and to be open and not just repeat my prayers each day. My Lord knows everything I go through and my heart, but I think he would like to hear it from my own mouth.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for this gift of life you have given me, I thank you for my birthday and that you didn’t give up on me when I gave up on myself. Thank you for all the wonderful people you surround me with, especially my family. Teach me how to pray to you in a way that you desire to hear. I love you and thank you for the man that I am and I pray that you will continue to change me to be more like your son.

Incline Our Hearts to You Oh Lord

Scripture 1 Kings 8:58 that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, which He commanded our fathers.

Observation: I can’t seem to keep all of my Lord’s commandments in my own flesh. I can’t stay focused on my Lord long enough to hear His voice guiding me through this life. I’m so caught up in this world and my heart is so anxious it’s hard to concentrate on My God. I need God to incline my heart towards His will for my life. I need my Lord to take charge of His servant and help me keep His commands, statutes and judgments. I’m weak, but when I’m weak then I’m strong because I no longer trust in my own abilities, but turn to God to work out His plan in my life.

Application: I got to stop trying to do everything in my own strength. I need to partner up with my God and have Him guide me each day. I need to ask for His assistance in living a godly life and to help me each day keep His commandments. I need a change of heart that only my Lord can accomplish and I want it to be dedicated to Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord incline my heart to your will. I have no strength in my own, please take charge and tell me what to do and how to do it. I’ve tried to live this life without you and it’s impossible and I don’t want to try any longer. I want to obey every command and serve you in any way you desire.

Working for the House of the Lord

Scripture 1 Kings 7:40 Huram made the lavers and the shovels and the bowls. So Huram finished doing all the work that he was to do for King Solomon for the house of the LORD:

Observation: When I work for the church I’m working for the Lord and others should be able to see that. Sometimes we get so full of ourselves, because God has given us gifts and abilities we forget to give God the glory. It should always be an honor to work for the church, because I’m part of the body and all I’m doing is my small part to make the whole body function properly. The only thing different from this scripture is that our work is never done, until the time we are to go home to the Lord we should be working, if we finish one project we should pray and ask what else needs to be done.

Application: So many times I find doing something for the church is a burden to me instead of an opportunity for blessings. I get prideful and sometimes arrogant about the gifts God has given me and make a big deal about helping out. I need to know that I can never do too much even if I worked 24 hours a day, every day I won’t come close to doing all I should be doing for my Lord. I need to know whatever I do in His name is worship and my Lord deserves all of my worship.

Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all that I have and all that I am. Open doors for me to use the gifts you have blessed me with. Help me fulfill all you have in store for me and make me useful to my church. Make me a healthy part of the body you have placed me in that I may be an asset in glorifying your name.