Daily Devotional

The Lord Brings Victories

Scripture 2 Sam 23:10 He arose and attacked the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword. The LORD brought about a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to plunder.

Observation: In this chapter it tells of the mighty men of David. It told how one killed 800 in one day, someone else 300 and the list goes on how mighty these men were. However this verse tells it all, the Lord brought a great victory. I don’t know anyone who could kill 800 of his enemy in one day by themselves, it has to be God and when we realize that it is Him and not us it gives us a feeling of security and hope.

Application: I need to start giving God all the glory for the victories a receive each day. Just getting up and making it to work each day is something I shouldn’t take for granted. I assume so much, that all I have I deserve, when in reality I deserve nothing at all. My whole life has been a victory, I should be dead and burning in Hell where I belong, but my Lord had a different plan for my life and I need to start living victoriously through Him and letting others know about my leader, my God and my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your protection. Thanks for stepping in for me so many times to fight my battles and I thank you for all of the victories you won. Help me show others a life that follows you and use me to bring others to your saving grace.

Crying Out to God

Scripture 2 Sam 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry entered His ears.

Observation: In my distress seems to be an everyday occurrence for me. I catch myself thinking evil about others, I have no self-control about eating, I have a hard time staying focused on the tasks God sets before me and I cry out for help. I know He hears me, because He answers my cries and comforts me in my trials. My mind doesn’t stop I can’t seem to keep it at rest or focused on one thing so I cry out for peace, I cry out for direction and patience and I know my Lord hears me. Sometimes I think He has to be getting tired of the constant cries from me, but He never makes me feel as though He does, He just continues to hear my pleas and grants them in His way.

Application: I need to realize my Lord is always there and I need to trust Him in every aspect of my life. I need to realize the depth of His love for me and how He cares for me and wants me to succeed for Him and that He is willing to help me out and all I have to do is ask. There is nothing that happens to me that my Lord doesn’t know about and there is nothing too big for Him to handle. I need to just make sure that I’m in His will and doing what honors Him and show Him that I trust and love Him no matter what.

Prayer: Dear Lord I know that you hear me and I thank you for always being there for me. Forgive me of my distress, because if I truly trusted and loved you I would realize you are bigger than anything that can happen to me. I know you won’t give up on me, help me earn the rewards that you have set aside for me. I love and trust you Father, guide me each day.

Keeping Our End of the Deal

Scripture 2 Sam 21:14 They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in the tomb of Kish his father. So they performed all that the king commanded. And after that God heeded the prayer for the land.

Observation: We expect God just to answer our prayers no matter what. God’s promises comes with a condition, He expects us to do something before He will do what He says. God does not answer prayers unless they are in His will. If you pray for a million dollars the chance God answers that prayer is very slim, because it’s not in His will for you. In this case there was a drought and King David called out to God and he told him that there was something He needed to do before the prayer would be answered and after he accomplished the task God heeded his prayer. Before we pray we need to make sure we are in God’s will and if there is sin in your life you may have to correct the problem before you can get your answer. For example if you are in an adulterous relationship do not expect God to answer your prayer as a matter of fact watch out for God’s wrath.

Application: I need to straighten out my own life before asking God for anything. I need to take a close look at my life and see where I’m sinning against my Lord. I need to come to Him and prayer and ask Him what I need to change so that He may hear my request and live a life honoring to Him. When I pray I need to make sure my request is in line of what God wants and that it will be in His will, not mine.

Prayer: My Lord I come to you and ask that you tell me how to live this life in honor to you. Make it clear to me what I need to change to be pleasant in your sight. Point out the sin in my life so that I may see and change so that my prayers will not be hindered, because of the life I’m leading. May this life honor you.

Listen to the Wise

Scripture 2 Sam 20:16 Then a wise woman cried out from the city, “Hear, Hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come nearby, that I may speak with you.’ ”

Observation: We are so busy listening to ourselves and having fixed in our minds what we want to do that we don’t listen to others that might be wiser than us. As a matter of fact we hate the thought that others are smarter than us, like children we like to think that we know it all and don’t need counsel. God has put people in our path to help and to speak through them and if we stop and listen and put our pride aside we would truly learn something. If it wasn’t for this wise woman a town would be destroyed and I think God used a woman here because at that time woman were not highly regarded so most men wouldn’t listen to their advice at all, but because Joab was smart enough he took the time and listened to this woman’s advice and was able to maintain his goal without bloodshed of the town or his soldiers.

Application: I don’t listen very well, I have my own agenda and stick with it no matter what, at times with great disappointment. I need to stop talking and do a lot more listening to others to hear what they are saying and truly take it in. This doesn’t mean everyone’s advice would be helpful, but I need to allow God to use them to speak to me otherwise I might as well be deaf. I need direction and I’m not always going to find it within myself, I need God and others to help direct me to do what is honoring for my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord put others in my path and humble your servant so that I may listen to discern what you are telling me and what way you want me to go. Remind me always that I’m only a servant and need direction to please my Master and use your other servants to help me accomplish what you desire of me. I love you my Lord, please direct me.

What Is Our Priority?

Scripture 2 Sam 19:30 Then Mephibosheth said to the king, “Rather, let him take it all, inasmuch as my lord the king has come back in peace to his own house.”

Observation: What’s most important to us? That has changed so many times in my life from making money, job prestige, security, recognition and other self-focused priorities. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t give for the safety and health of my wife, but even more important than that is how I honor God. There should never be anything more important than God in our lives, since if it wasn’t for Him we wouldn’t be here. Everything I do should be centered with God in mind, everything I do needs to honor God whether at work, rest or play my life should be a reflection of Jesus. I’m so far from that and I need to do more to accomplish this goal that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart.

Application: Sometimes I think I’m doing okay for God, but I look at the time I spent that doesn’t and I know I’m so far from what I should be doing. I need to spend my time more preciously, honoring God. He has blessed me with talents and gifts that I can use and I need to be doing just that honoring God with the time I have left on this earth. What I do now will affect me for all of eternity.

Prayer: My Lord I want to do what is right by you, but I always fall short and I need you to keep me on the path you want me to be on. Give me wisdom and courage to do what is of you and so when I come home you will welcome me with a smile and a well done good and faithful servant.

A Good Man Comes with Good News

Scripture 2 Sam 18:27 So the watchman said, “I think the running of the first is like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok.” And the king said, “He is a good man, and comes with good news.”

Observation: A good man would come with good news and what is the best good news? The gospel. A good man puts God first and others above himself so when an opportunity arises a good man would honor God by sharing his word and caring enough about others not to worry about how it might make him look, but putting the salvation of that person’s soul first. A good man puts others first and loves his brother as himself, but loves God with all his heart, mind and soul.

Application: I want and need to be a good man. I want to put God first in everything that I do and I want to put others before myself, but deep down I’m not a good man. I need to stop putting my desires above others and especially above God’s. I need to get my priorities straight and start living today with God first, others second and mine third. I need to strive to be that good man God calls me to be. Before doing anything check my motives in why am I doing it if it doesn’t honor God or benefit someone else, I need not to do it.

Prayer: My Lord help me be this good man you call me to be. Soften my heart and guide me to put you first always and to please you by serving others to your glory. Humble me and make me that servant you desire me to be that others will see me as a good man and want to hear what I say, because they would know it is good news.

Trust the Lord to Work Out His Plan

Scripture 2 Sam 17:14 So Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” For the LORD had purposed to defeat the good advice of Ahithophel, to the intent that the LORD might bring disaster on Absalom.

Observation: How many times in your life did you plan on doing something, but it didn’t happen and what did happen was so much better than your plan? That has happened a lot in my life. I know every suicide attempt did not go as I plan, obviously, but what did happen always led to something better. When my wife divorced me I couldn’t understand, because God hates divorce, but since it was her decision and not mine, God led me on a new path. I’m now married to the most wonderful person I had ever met and it is an honor to share my life with her.

Application: Pray and do what I feel God leading me to, but not worry if I’m doing what honors God. Go along with the detours of this life and when asking advice of others always make sure it lines up with God’s word. I need to trust my Lord with every situation and when things go wrong ask my Master what it was that I was supposed to learn through that trial.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and draw me close that I might hear everything you desire to say to me. May I look for you in everything that happens in my life, in the people you put in my path and places you have me go. I want to finish well help direct me in all that I do and that I may see you everywhere I go.