Daily Devotional

Trust the Lord to Work Out His Plan

Scripture 2 Sam 17:14 So Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” For the LORD had purposed to defeat the good advice of Ahithophel, to the intent that the LORD might bring disaster on Absalom.

Observation: How many times in your life did you plan on doing something, but it didn’t happen and what did happen was so much better than your plan? That has happened a lot in my life. I know every suicide attempt did not go as I plan, obviously, but what did happen always led to something better. When my wife divorced me I couldn’t understand, because God hates divorce, but since it was her decision and not mine, God led me on a new path. I’m now married to the most wonderful person I had ever met and it is an honor to share my life with her.

Application: Pray and do what I feel God leading me to, but not worry if I’m doing what honors God. Go along with the detours of this life and when asking advice of others always make sure it lines up with God’s word. I need to trust my Lord with every situation and when things go wrong ask my Master what it was that I was supposed to learn through that trial.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and draw me close that I might hear everything you desire to say to me. May I look for you in everything that happens in my life, in the people you put in my path and places you have me go. I want to finish well help direct me in all that I do and that I may see you everywhere I go.

Wait for the Lord to Repay

Scripture 2 Sam 16:12 It may be that the LORD will look on my affliction, and that the LORD will repay me with good for his cursing this day.”

Observation: This scripture shows someone cursing King David and his men asked if they should kill him to shut him up. David looked at this situation coming from God, a test maybe, but he felt that God might have put him in his path. We have choices to, do we take revenge or do we look at a situation possibly coming from God? Even if it didn’t come from God, God has told us how to handle situations, we are to forgive others, love others, help them and the commandments tell us never to hurt anyone. So David felt if this was a test he wanted to pass and he knew if he did what honored God that he would be repaid, whether on this earth or the next.

Application: All day long my mind feeds on negative thoughts and the majority of thoughts towards others is negative and hurtful. I look at situations and see them in a way that I’m the one that is justified no matter who it might hurt. I need to change my heart because of there are rewards for doing good there are also consequences for doing wrong. To be a light means to shine brightly and to shine in that way we need to reflect the light of our Lord. People need to see Jesus in my life and the way I treat others is the most important step in serving God.

Prayer: My Lord help me please have a peaceful spirit and loving way towards others. I want to be repaid for the good I do, help me do good. May I be your ambassador in this dark place and shine my light to direct others to the saving grace of my Savior.

What Servants Do

Scripture 2 Sam 15:15 And the king’s servants said to the king, “We are your servants, ready to do whatever my lord the king commands.”

Observation: These were the servants of King David and they knew what servants are supposed to do. I call myself a servant of the Lord, my King Jesus, but do I know what a servant is supposed to do? It’s pretty basic a servant serves and does what he is commanded to do. My Lord has given me commands including the ten commandments, but the Bible is full of commands my Lord expects me to carry out. None of which are too difficult to accomplish and all seem to be for my benefit anyway. Even if the commands would have been outrageous my Lord deserves the best from me to complete the tasks he sets before me.

Application: I know what my Lord wants and He does deserve all that I am to complete those tasks. I need to be obedient to His will and fulfill each command with honor to him. There is nothing he can command me to do that he would not be worthy of me doing. I need to make sure however when I do the things he calls me to do that he gets the glory and honor and not myself, for I am a lowly servant to the most high God.

Prayer: My Lord and my King, command your servant to do the tasks you desire of me. Keep me in your word and speak to me as I read and show me each day the schedule of duties that you have for me. I love you Lord and freely give you this life as your bond servant, use me please.

Remember the Lord

Scripture 2 Sam 14:11 Then she said, “Please let the king remember the LORD your God, and do not permit the avenger of blood to destroy anymore, lest they destroy my son.” And he said, “As the LORD lives, not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground.”

Observation: Remember the Lord is similar to remember the Lord’s commandments. Remember the Lord is like that saying What Would Jesus Do? It is living your life for God, the way life is to be lived. Before you get angry, make a plan, treat others without love, or do your job, remember the Lord. Let him guide you ,remember his word and obey. God has put the way to respond to any situation in his world and if you’re still not sure the Holy Spirit is with us to guide us, but we must stop and remember the Lord. We can’t act rashly, our motives must be of God and we are to act out of love, that is remembering the Lord, remember you belong to Him.

Application: I have a difficult time of waiting on the Lord. I react quickly and out of self-interest and not God’s. I need to be with God all day long in prayer and meditation, I need to fill my mind and heart with his commands. No matter what I do I need to remember my Lord first and then act and act out of the love for God. My life is to be a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to my Lord and that can only be done if I’m obedient to his commands.

Prayer: My Lord you deserve the best that I have and my best is you. Draw me closer to you fill my mind with the way You want me to live and guide me through this life until it’s time to come home.

Beware Friends Bringing ideas

Scripture 2 Sam 13:5 So Jonadab said to him, “Lie down on your bed and pretend to be ill. And when your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘Please let my sister Tamar come and give me food, and prepare the food in my sight, that I may see it and eat it from her hand.’ ”

Observation: Sometimes the Devil will bring another person, especially someone you trust to help you sin. As that ever happened to you that you had a situation and wasn’t sure how to handle it and all of a sudden a friend has this idea, not totally on the up and up, but it sounds like it would work. People are typically uninhibited about sharing their thoughts and ideas, usually ideas that they wouldn’t do themselves. They mean well and are trying to help, but without considering all the consequences of your actions. You are usually desperate and need to find a plan since you couldn’t come up with one of your own and we typically don’t take it to prayer since we received this advice from a trusted friend. We forget so often the one friend that we can trust, Jesus, he told us to call him friend since we knew the Father’s business. We need to call on him.

Application: My mind continually runs amuck and I’m always thinking of something and a way to get it done. I normally don’t stop to think of the consequences I just need to get it done right away and don’t check with anyone. Before I do anything I need to take it in prayer. Slow down and ask for guidance and get my Lord’s approval before I proceed. He loves me and wants the best for me so I can trust his guidance.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for being my best friend and forgiving me when I’m not. May I always come to you first for direction in my life so that it will always please you. Help slow down my thoughts so that I might think clearly. I love you and want to finish well, but I know I can’t do it by myself.

Despising the Commandments of God

Scripture 2 Sam 12:9 Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the people of Ammon.

Observation: Doing evil is the same thing as despising God’s commandments. To do evil is to do something that you know is wrong and yet you do it anyway. That is like saying to God I know what you want me to do, but that doesn’t matter I’m going to do what I want to do. We do things like that and then we are surprised when God chastises us for our sin. When I do evil things I’m doing them intentionally it’s the same as when we break the law. If we speed or do some other traffic violation and get caught. We may get angry that we got caught and have to pay the fine, but not often enough are we mad at ourselves for doing what we knew was wrong in the first place.

Application: I don’t need to be doing anything evil in God’s sight or in others, since they are God’s children. Before I do anything I need to think it out and pray to make sure it isn’t anything against God and knowing also when I don’t do something that I know God wants me to do, that it’s just as evil, they are both a sin. I need to put my desires off to the side and place God’s on top. I need to focus on the fact I’m only here for a little while longer and what I do with that time will affect my whole eternity with God.

Prayer: My Lord I am an evil man and a sinner. I’m trying to do better and I know you know my heart. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me to the finish line of this race, that I will finish with glory to you. I’m a weak runner, but you are my strength, please strengthen me to win the crown you have set aside for me.

Displeasing the Lord

Scripture 2 Sam 11:27 And when her mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.

Observation: David had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed to cover it up. Saying the Lord was displeased would be an understatement. I can’t imagine doing something so terrible, but with God a sin is a sin and they are all terrible in his sight. Taking that to mind I’ve displeased God plenty over my life. I might not have an affair or had anyone killed, but the sins I’ve committed are just as terrible in God’s eyes. To displease God is to sin, He loves me and even through this sinner’s life. I’ve displeased my heavenly Father so much, he has every right not to love me, but he chooses to.

Application: Realize my disobedience and not doing my Lord’s will is displeasing to my God and that can’t be taken lightly. My Lord has given me everything and the most important thing being His love for me. It’s got to be hard enough to love me without sin in my life and I need to stop making it more difficult by living a sinful life. I know what pleases God and that needs to be my goal each day, doing the things that honor Him. All I need is to get myself out of my way and put God first in my thoughts and all that I do.

Prayer: My Lord I know I must displease you so much of the time and I’m sorry. I know I put my needs and what I want before pleasing you and I want to change. You need to be my top priority no matter what and I will do my best, but I need help Lord to do it right. You are worthy of all that I am, please help me lead the life that will show you and please you.