Daily Devotional

Let the Lord Decide What’s Good

Scripture 2 Sam 10:12 Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”

Observation: We all have visions what we think is right or wrong and we act on it most of the time, but how often do we figure God in the equation. He knows so much more than us and He is the one with the plan. When things don’t go our way we are normally quick to place the blame that God doesn’t care, but we forget we’re not here for us we are only here because God desires us to be. The purpose of our existence is to honor God with our lives, a living sacrifice that should be holy and pleasing to Him. If we are walking with our Lord and ask for his will in our lives no matter what happens we need to look at the situation through God’s eyes to see what is good. For God works the good in all things, but we need to abandon our agenda and serve our Lord whole heartily.

Application: I’m Mr. planner and I think I figure out everything and when it doesn’t go to my plan I feel I failed and wallow in that failure. I need to let go of my preconceived plans and let God guide me and when things don’t go as I plan I need to stop to see what God desired and embrace it and follow his guidance. I need to remember this place is temporary, but where I go after this is my true home. I need to start following God’s plans here so I will be better prepared to follow them when I get home.

Prayer: My Lord give me wisdom and help me see what is good in your eyes. Take this arrogance from me and humble your servant to know your commands for my life. I want to be the best servant for you, you know my heart, but my pride gets in the way. Help me see clearly your direction for my life. I love and want to please you.

The Kindness of God

Scripture 2 Sam 9:3 Then the king said, “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?” And Ziba said to the king, “There is still a son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet.”

Observation: Can you imagine trying to show someone the kindness of God. First you would have to put their needs above our own. Wait I think we were called to do that somewhere. We would have to genially want to please them, not a false kindness but one from the heart wanting to glorify God by the way we treat that person. We would want to make sure that person is happy and then give God the glory. I wish I could say I’ve done that for someone, I seem to always get in my way of fulfilling things the way God wants them fulfilled. Through the grace of God I’m still breathing so I still have the opportunity to show God’s kindness to someone.

Application: I need to put the needs of others above my own. God commands it and He deserves my obedience. I need to focus on what I do is for God and not the person. When I focus I people I have a tendency to compare myself to them, but when Focused on God my heart fills with love and gratitude and that is what I need to fulfill the way God wants me to love others. As I love that way people will see God through my actions.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I can love the way you want me to love. I do not have that ability apart from you. I’m selfish and it seems to be my nature to look out for me above anything else. Please change me into the man you desire, for that is my desire to please you. You are worthy of all my worship, praise and love, may others see that in my life and attitude toward them.

What to Dedicate to the Lord?

Scripture 2 Sam 8:11 King David also dedicated these to the LORD, along with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subdued–

Observation: Throughout the Bible people are dedicating things to the Lord, but what have I dedicated? I dedicate my tithe I guess to the Lord, yet I’m only giving him back a small portion that he has given me, I dedicate my marriage and try to be the man He calls me to be, but I fail too often.. I have no riches like David or King Solomon and I have the one thing God wants. My life it should be a living sacrifice so that is holy and pleasing to Him. He deserves at least that since again he gave it to me and has preserved it through these years. He deserves much more than a tithe of it, he deserves it all and this life needs to be dedicated to him.

Application: So what do I do to dedicate my life to him. It’s a living sacrifice and a sacrifice was an offering that was pleasing to God so each day of my life should be, pleasing to God. I should live it as though God is looking down on me to see what I’m doing. As he looks it should please him in what I’m doing, make him laugh and maybe even bring a tear to his eyes now and then when I do something extraordinary for one of his children. A life worth watching and at the end of each day when God remembers me it brings a smile to his face.

Prayer: Dear Lord I dedicate this life to you. May it be holy and pleasing to you. May I follow the path you have made for me and that at the end of this life it multiplied the talent you had entrusted me with.

Who Am I Oh Lord

Scripture 2 Sam 7:18 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: “Who am I, O Lord GOD? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?

Observation: I’ve asked myself more than a couple of times. I tried to end my life six times and at least once was in an accident that should have killed me and yet I’m still here. Not only am I still alive, but I’ve prospered over the years, maybe not in worldly wealth but in knowledge and blessings. God has taken care of all of my needs, has blessed me with things that I wanted, has watched over my family and has blessed me with the most amazing woman to be my wife. But why? Who am I that I should be the recipient of just great mercies and blessing? Like John I’m the one He loves, like all of his children. God loves and cares for me and has a purpose for my life and if I’m obedient He will show me all the things he wants of me.

Application: Be aware of the many blessing God has bestowed on me and be grateful. Continue to ask God what he desires of me each day and then do them, no excuses. Realize I’m his creation, his child and that he loves me and wants the best for me and not to question it but to receive it by faith. Who am I? I’m his.

Prayer: Dear Lord take me by the hand and use me, increase my faith and draw me near. I am your creation, your servant and your child, command me as you desire and give me the wisdom and courage to do it. I love you with all of my heart and want to serve and please you all the days of my life.

We have No Right to be Angry

Scripture 2 Sam 6:8 And David became angry because of the LORD’S outbreak against Uzzah; and he called the name of the place Perez Uzzah to this day.

Observation: So often we get angry because things didn’t go as we wanted. We don’t ask to see if we did something wrong to have that outcome, we just want what we want. Jesus told us we would have trial and tribulations, basically saying you’re not always going to get your way. These are our opportunity to learn and grow and not get angry. We need to find out what we need to learn when a situation doesn’t go the way we thought and ask God what to do next. With David he should have known there was a special way God wanted the ark to be moved and that it wasn’t to be touched. If he thought and prayed before he moved the ark, God would have given him the correct way to move the ark.

Application: I still get angry without cause. If something doesn’t go right or I make a mistake I get mad. It used to be before Jesus entered my life it would happen every day and it was to the point my family didn’t want to be around me. I never took the blame for not being more careful I just got angry, angry at God and any one that might be around. When Jesus did come into my life I was better, but still even now my anger can flare up quickly and if I don’t stop and pray it can get out of hand. I need to stay close and be aware that God is moving in my life and he knows exactly where I am and I need to reach out to him instantly when things do not go as plan and ask him to take my anger and open my eyes to what he is showing me.

Prayer: My Lord forgive this sinner. My thoughts go to anger before anything else and I can’t control it without you. Help me be calm and quiet so I can hear you give me directions in what you desire of me. I want to please you and I know an angry man can’t.

Inquiring of the Lord

Scripture 2 Sam 5:19 So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?” And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.”

Observation: How often do we inquire of the Lord before we go through with our plans? In my case it must be less than ten percent. I have a desire and I act on it without considering my Lord and what He wants. I love the scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and the other not so much Apart from God I can do nothing. Do to things through Christ means, I need to do things the way He wants them done. I forget that no is an answer when I’m asking God if I should do something and even when I do inquire of my Lord I don’t sit still long enough to hear the answer.

Application: God is called my Master for a reason and that is that He is. To find out what my master desires I need to inquire and listen then obey His commands. My God loves and if I’m sure of this then I should want his advice since He obviously knows best and what the best for me. Everything I want is instant gratification with very little long term growth if any, but God want me to grow and be ready for the ultimate reward, Heaven. That is the path he has me on the path home, but there is a few things I’m to do first and I need to inquire of my Lord to find out what they are and how to do them the way He wants.

Prayer: My Lord I’ve wasted so many days doing things without inquiring of you. Slow me down that I will sit still and hear the answers you have for me. May I not make another decision without checking with you first. I know you love and care for me and want the best for me and I need to inquire each day to what those things are.

The Lord Who Redeems

Scripture 2 Sam 4:9 But David answered Rechab and Baanah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and said to them, “As the LORD lives, who has redeemed my life from all adversity,

Observation: As the Lord lives is a very definite statement, because there is no doubt that He does and will live forever. As secure as I can feel that my Lord lives, I’m also just as confident to know that He has redeemed my life. He has protected me from adversity and has also gotten me through it. My God has never failed me even though I can’t count the number of times I’ve failed Him. He has redeemed my life from hell and has redeemed and made it useful here on this earth. He has been able to use the pain in my life to help others through theirs. He has redeemed this life and now is able to use it for his glory.

Application: Each morning the negative thoughts come pouring out of my mind to the point I’m not even sure what I’m thinking. It’s as if Satan took everything that might happen to me and what has happened and poured into my head. Each time this happens I need to stop and think of my redeemer and how disappointed he must be in me. I think of the Israelites and how they continued to turn their backs on the God who continually saved them and how angry I would get at them, yet I’m not any better. I need to separate myself from my thoughts at times and meditate on God’s word and promises before taking another step.

Prayer: My Lord and my redeemer. Thank you for redeeming me from all the pain I went through and healing your servant. I thank you for never giving up on me and always being there to pick me up. Help me lead others to you and show them the love of my Redeemer.