Daily Devotional

Does the Lord Speak of Me?

Scripture 2 Sam 3:18 Now then, do it! For the LORD has spoken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of My servant David, I will save My people Israel from the hand of the Philistines and the hand of all their enemies.’

Observation: Throughout scripture the Lord has spoken of people like Moses, David, Solomon, Samuel and so on. He spoke of these men because they followed and obeyed God and God wanted to tell us that he was going to use this obedience. I don’t think I would have ever made the scriptures, because my walk is shallow. There will be times when I obey God, then others when I disobey and yet other times when I just ignore my Lord completely. If God was going to speak of me, it wouldn’t have been pleasant.

Application: I want to be that man that God can speak of, an obedient and loving man, a man that would put God first in everything and that I would love him with all of my heart, mind and soul. Yet I’m a sinner and my focus always comes back to me and my needs, not a God honoring man at all. It’s not too late to change, I need to put God first in everything and ask for his guidance in all that happens. Give my time freely to my Master and use it in his service. I want the Lord to speak of me, maybe to the angels as he did with Job. That he could say that I’m an upright man who honors him.

Prayer: Dear Lord I know there isn’t much about my life that you could be proud of, but you know that I love you and want to be a better man for you. Help me grow closer to you and understand what would please you with this life. May the rest of this life be an example of how to live a life in glory and honor to you.

God Loves the Peacemakers

Scripture 2 Sam 2:26 Then Abner called to Joab and said, “Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the latter end? How long will it be then until you tell the people to return from pursuing their brethren?”

Observation: So often we get so determined to have things are way it doesn’t matter who we hurt or what sin we might comment to get it. We feel we have to win and that is the only thing that is important to us and we pursue it without thinking. I know in my life I did it all of the time whether it was getting a promotion at work, winning an argument, or getting something I wanted. I would pursue it without thinking whether it was wrong or right I just needed to get my way and this is what this scripture is saying are we going to destroy everything for no reason. It wasn’t until Abner stopped to think of the consequences of their action and had the strength to speak out before the killing stopped. It’s funny when he spoke out Joab agreed right away because they were so focus on winning they didn’t realize the cost.

Application: I want to be the peacemaker and realize what is happening around me. I’m typically the person that causes the quarrel in the first place and I need to be the one who humbles himself and thinks of the consequences of my actions. I want to be the person that can stop others when I see what they are doing is fugal and against what God wants. If people are aware of their mistakes and have an opportunity to correct them they will. I need to be aware of what I’m doing at all times to make sure I never fight a losing battle.

Prayer: My Lord I’m typically the instigator in most matters and I want to be the peacemaker. Please give me the wisdom I will need to draw others closer to you. May the only battle I’m in be the fight for you.

Love One Another

Scripture 2 Sam 1:26 I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; You have been very pleasant to me; Your love to me was wonderful, Surpassing the love of women.

Observation: God calls us to love one another and that is how He will know we are his disciples. God calls us to love others above ourselves. When they asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment He said to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and the second was to love others as we love ourselves. He didn’t tell us to pick and choose who to love but to love everyone. David and Jonathon had a best friend relationship where either one would give their life for the other and Jonathon but his safety second to keeping David safe.

Application: I put my needs above almost everyone else like so many and most of the time won’t discard my own comfort for someone else. I need to be the man Jesus calls me to be to love others and to put their needs above my own. It’s hard because I think of myself so often and about others so little and that needs to change. Yesterday we had friends from church over for dinner and it was a wonderful night, but earlier in the day I was almost hoping they would call it off so I didn’t have to go through the work of preparing dinner. I need to change and work harder for others and less for myself, because when I do that I honor God and that’s why I’m here.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me of my selfish ways. Give me a heart like Jesus and help me see others the way you see them. You have surrounded me with your children may I welcome them into my life and you have welcomed me. May I have a compassionate heart and the gift of hospitality to bring others closer to me.

Bragging to Idols

Scripture 1 Sam 31:9 And they cut off his head and stripped off his armor, and sent word throughout the land of the Philistines, to proclaim it in the temple of their idols and among the people.

Observation: Here people are taking their trophy and bragging what they had done to others and setting them up in their temple to false idols. It sounds like something we would do, brag about an accomplishment, which God allowed us to do, then wait for the praise of men, setting up a trophy that God doesn’t get the credit for in a temple of our own. So often we don’t seek God’s guidance and we go off on our own, looking for the praise of others so that we may be glorified, instead of living a life that glorifies God.

Application: I still want the praise of men. Even when I do God’s work that others see I have a very difficult time at times giving glory to God. I received the praise of others, knowing in my heart I was only able to do it because God desired it done. My idols are quick fame, praise, recognition and short lived rewards and I trade doing God’s will for them. What a terrible trade. Everything that I do that is good God must get the glory for it. I’m here only for Him and not for me and when I leave this place I want people to remember how I served God and not the trophies I might have left behind.

Prayer: My Lord may I be your trophy. May this life have a tag on it that I served you with my whole heart, mind and soul. When it is time for me to come home may the thoughts of me left in this world remind others of your love and mercy.

Strengthening Yourself in the Lord

Scripture 1 Sam 30:6 Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.

Observation: David went into depression and the only thing that could get him out of it was the Lord. He took his focus off himself and looked toward God. I know how he felt. Most of my life I suffered from depression and it overwhelmed me to the point of death. Finally God got my attention and gave me strength, a strength to continue. I still have those moments when my heart despairs and I begin to feel down, but then I set my heart on God, He strengthens me to go on. I couldn’t possibly live this life without Him and I’m thankful I don’t have to try. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Application: I’ve been in a battle with Satan lately and can’t keep focused on what God desires. It has been a terrible struggle and I need to draw closer to God. He gets me out each time, but it doesn’t take long before my mind wanders and I find myself back in the pit God lifted me out of. I need to stay closer to God and get more involved in the things that glorify Him. I’ve become idle and not doing much which is making me a target for the devil.

Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on you. Open doors for ministry for me and calm my mind to be focused on you. I’m struggling at times and have become so tired Lord. Give me energy and strength to run this race and get me busy serving you.

Being Upright

Scripture 1 Sam 29:6 Then Achish called David and said to him, “Surely, as the LORD lives, you have been upright, and your going out and your coming in with me in the army is good in my sight. For to this day I have not found evil in you since the day of your coming to me. Nevertheless the lords do not favor you.

Observation: Am I upright or do people even think that I’m upright? Unfortunately the answer is no. I’m not upright and that is what God calls me to be and not just to appear upright, but that people would know that I am and that they couldn’t find any evil in me. I try each day to be better, but each day I fail as the evil in my mind takes over at times showing others that I am not upright. Surely as the Lord lives I’m inconsistent at best having times when I please God standing on His word and love and then the others where I want to have my way no matter who it might hurt.

Application: I need to strive to be upright, that no one would doubt my love for God and them. It’s a decision I must make each day to put God first and live a life that is upright. I know it won’t just happen without me drawing close to God, because I have a whole life of not being upright, but being untrustworthy and selfish. I need to stay in constant prayer and think before I answer anyone or before I do anything to make sure the way I am is honoring.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t do this without you, I’m a sinner and still have sinful ways. I need the Holy Spirit to be with me and show me what to do. I need to be aware of anytime that I’m not upright and that my love comes into question. Please Lord keep me on the path of righteousness and don’t let me stray.

God Doesn’t Answer Sin

Scripture 1 Sam 28:6 And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets.

Observation: Saul has sinned greatly before God and he had been disobedient in what God called him to do. God won’t answer sin, if we are to sin we can’t expect God to answer us when we call out. God hates sin and that is why Jesus had to come and die for us. We need to be in communion with God and that means to be in His will, doing what He calls us to do and obeying His commands. Saul was doing the opposite and was paying for his sins, by the silence of the Lord. God told Saul in the beginning what he had to do and Saul didn’t listen and now God isn’t listening to Saul.

Application: I am a sinner and if I continue in my sins I can’t expect God to be there and hear me when I cry out. I know what I should be doing and I know God’s commands in my life and I need to hear from my Lord each day. It’s up to me if I’m going to be the person God wants to talk to or not. God doesn’t need me it is I that needs God.

Prayer: Dear Lord I need you and wouldn’t be able to go on without you. Please Lord speak to your servant and guide me, keep me from sinning and soften my heart taking any anger from me. I want to do what is right, I want to please you and I want to serve you. I love you Lord help me live a life that shows it.